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Tell us if someone is claiming benefits they are not entitled to
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Tell us about food hygiene concerns in the Borough of Bury, either about a food business, foreign bodies in food, or suspected food poisoning.
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How to report a breach of trading standards.
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Report an issue relating to a hackney carriage, private hire vehicle or a taxi driver
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Tell us about noisy neighbours, noise from industrial and commercial premises.
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If a home in your area that has been left vacant and you're concerned about it, you can let us know
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Tell us if someone is claiming benefits they are not entitled to
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My neighbourhood

There are many ways to report a hate crime in Bury, find out how here.
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Find out who to report a complaint and the methods available.
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Tell us about noisy neighbours, noise from industrial and commercial premises.
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Make us aware of graffiti on council property.
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Report fly posting on public land.
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Book an appointment for us to inspect your property for pests.
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Tell us about litter that needs picking up.
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Tell us about issues with trees on the highway or council-owned land.
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Let us know if there is an issue with dog owners not picking up after their dogs.
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Reporting a stray or lost dog and micro chipping information.
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How to report a pest issue in a public place.
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Tell us about needles, syringes, or any type of drug-related waste that needs removing
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Let us know about nuisance bonfires or smoke, dust or odour coming from an industrial or commercial premises or a building site.
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Tracking process to have more individuals and groups in communities feeling they belong and feel safe, because there is less tension within and between groups in communities.
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Who is responsible and how to report unauthorised encampments or anti-social behaviour linked to an encampment.
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Planning and Building

Report a dangerous building or structure and find out how we manage reports and ensure public safety
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Roads, travel and parking

How to report illegal parking, vehicles causing obstruction or vehicles affecting visibility
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Make us aware of any objects that are blocking public access to highways.
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Tell us about issues with bollards on public roads and pathways.
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Tell us about issues with trees on the highway or council-owned land.
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Report a missing, damaged or dangerous sign on a road, park or car park.
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Tell us about pot holes, weeds on roads, worn or damaged road markings and collapsed or sunken roads.
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Make us aware of issues with flag stones, weeds on pathways, tarmac, kerbs and verges.
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Tell us about a pot hole that needs fixing.
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Tell us about faulty or missing street furniture.
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Let us know about street lights that are out or not working properly.
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Report a public rights of way issue.
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Report an issue with a cycle lane or cycle path.
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Use our online form to report an abandoned vehicle within the borough of Bury.
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Tell us about an issue with a drain or grid.
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During the growing season Bury Council cuts grass on highway verges and in public gardens and parks.
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Information about traffic calming measures, enforcing speed limits and report a traffic calming issue.
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Social Care

Help keep Bury children and young people safe. If you are concerned about a child, report it.
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If you have a concern about a vulnerable adult, you should report this to us
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Waste and Recycling

What to do if your bin was not emptied on your collection day
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