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You must make an appointment to register your baby's birth within 42 days of the child being born.

The birth must be registered at the Register Office in the district in which the birth occurred. However, provision is available for you to attend any office in England and Wales to make a declaration of particulars required for the registration. In this case the birth certificate will be sent to you by post.

We register births of babies born in Manchester and Bolton for Bury residents, due to no maternity hospital being available in Bury. These registers are then sent to the respective district and we no longer hold them. Any applications for a copy birth certificate will have to be made to Manchester (Manchester City Council - Before you buy your certificate) or Bolton Register Office (Bolton Council - Certificates). Please allow four weeks from registering the birth for the register to be sent from Bury.

Who can register the birth

  • One of the parents if the parents are married to each other
  • The mother, or the mother and father together if they are not married to each other
  • Lesbian couples who are civil partners at the time of the conception
  • Lesbian couples who are not civil partners at the time
  • You cannot ask a friend or relative to register the birth in your behalf.

If the parents are not married to each other at the time of the birth, the father's details may be entered when the mother and father attend together to register the birth.

When the father is not able to attend, he may make what is called a Statutory Declaration confirming that he is the father. The mother will give this declaration to the Registrar (the form for this declaration is available from any Register Office).

When the mother is not able to attend with the father, she may make a Statutory Declaration confirming the name of the father. The father should give the declaration to the Registrar.

When either parent has a Court Order or Parental Responsibility Agreement in respect of the child the Court Order or Agreement must be handed to the Registrar who will advise on each case as it arises.

Information needed to register your baby

  • The date and place of baby's birth. If the birth is one of twins, triplets etc. then the time of each baby's birth will also be required
  • whether the baby is a boy or a girl
  • the forenames and surname in which it is intended that the baby will be brought up.
  • Father (where these details are to be entered in the register):
    • his forenames and surname
    • his date and place of birth
    • his occupation at the time of baby's birth or, if he was not employed at that time, the occupation he last had.
  • Mother:
    • her forenames and surname. Her maiden surname will also be required if she is, or has been, married
    • her date and place of birth
    • her usual address at the date of the birth
    • her occupation (optional). If she has been employed at any time before the birth this occupation can be entered in the register if she so wishes.

You must register the birth personally, you cannot ask a relative or friend to attend instead of you.

Birth certificates

After the birth is registered, you will need to purchase any certificates that you require. From 1 November 2017 parents were no longer issued with a free short birth certificate. There are two types of certificates:

  • A short birth certificate - this shows the baby's name and surname, the date of birth and baby's sex. This certificate has limited use and is not accepted by most government agencies and other organisations.
  • A full certificate - this is a standard or full birth certificate, and this shows all the details that are contained in the birth register, and this will be required to obtain a passport.

The current fee for this is £12.50 for each certificate at the time of registration.

Making an appointment to register a birth

Bury Register office operates a strict appointment system, and you can only make an appointment if you live in Bury. Please ensure that you have read all the information on who can register a birth before booking your appointment online.

  • You must not attend the register office without booking an appointment online as you may not seen
  • You can pay for certificates in advance, certificates cost £12.50 each. You can pay by a credit or debit card

We are currently having technical issue with our online booking system. To book an appointment, please call our office on 0161 253 6026 between 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

What happens next?

You will receive a confirmation email once you have booked your appointment and paid for your certificates. If you need to cancel or reschedule, follow the link on your email.

When you attend your appointment, it will last approximately 20 minutes and you must arrive on time for your appointment. Only the person(s) essential for the registration will be permitted to attend the appointment. You cannot ask a relative or friend to attend instead of you.