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If a serious crime is taking place or you are concerned for someone's safety you should immediately report it to the police by telephoning 999.

When you report anti-social behaviour we will need:

  • What you saw
  • Where you saw it
  • When you saw it: make a note of the time and day
  • Who you saw: make a note of the name of the person(s) involved or try and remember as much as you can about them such as age, clothing etc.

You can report anti-social behaviour using the form below or by contacting the Anti-Social Behaviour Team.

Please note:

For other complaints such as graffiti, litter, fly posting or abandoned cars see: Report it.
To report a hate crime please see: Report a hate crime.
To report an unauthorised encampment or anti-social behaviour on an encampment see: Unauthorised Gypsy, Roma and Traveller encampments.

What happens next?

Once you have reported anti-social behaviour:

  • You may be advised to keep a record of incident details on a diary sheet which we can use as evidence if we take action against the individuals concerned.
  • You may be asked to gather evidence such as photographs or video tapes.
  • We will keep in regular contact with you to monitor the person(s) behaviour and keep you informed of what we are doing to resolve the problem.
  • We may consult with other Agencies such as the Police, Youth Offending Service, Education or Social Services.
  • If we take legal action against the person responsible we may also ask you to act as a witness. We will always fully support and inform witnesses before, during and after legal action and there are measures we can put in place to help secure your safety.

What should I do if the problem isn't resolved?

If you've reported three separate incidents of anti-social behaviour in the last 6 months to Bury Council, Greater Manchester Police or your housing agency, and you are not satisfied with the action, if any, that has been taken, you can apply for your case to be reviewed.

If you have reported repeated incidents of anti-social behaviour and feel there has been no response or an inadequate response, you can also ask for an independent review of your case. This is known as the community trigger.

If your complaint meets certain grounds, the agencies involved can also carry out a formal case review.

You can also request a case review if five individuals in the local community have complained separately to Bury Council, Greater Manchester Police and/or a housing agency in the last six months about similar incidents of anti-social behaviour and they are not satisfied with the action taken.

Once you have activated an ASB Case Review, all relevant agencies will meet to try to resolve the issue within 10 working days.

Then within twelve working days you'll be informed of the outcome and a proposed action plan with recommendations on how the problem can be solved if applicable. If you are still not satisfied you can appeal to the Chair of the Community Safety Partnership .

We promise to keep you updated with the investigation and any action that we take.