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Traffic calming measures are usually introduced on residential or local distributor roads to help reduce traffic speeds or reduce the number and severity of existing injury collisions that are taking place.

Examples of traffic calming measures

  • Lowered speed limits
  • Road humps
  • Speed cushions
  • Road markings
  • Road safety signage
  • Chicanes and priority restrictions
  • Permanent road closures
  • Pedestrian and cycle facility improvements

We will consult with residents before introducing traffic calming measures.


Greater Manchester Police are solely responsible for enforcing the speed limits on the borough's roads. If we are made aware of a speeding issue we will investigate the matter; this may involve site observations and traffic surveys along with a review of the injury collision record in the area.

If appropriate, the details of our subsequent investigations are forwarded to the Police particularly if increased enforcement is deemed necessary

Request new traffic calming engineering

We receive many requests for work each year, and to help make the best use of our limited funds and reach our targets for the reduction in accident numbers we carry out detailed analyses of the accident records to tackle the most deserving cases first.

Report a traffic calming issue

We are responsible for introducing and maintaining physical traffic calming measures, and for making traffic orders (regulations like speed limits).

Use this form to report any issues with:

  • speeding vehicles;
  • dangerous driving that is causing collisions;
  • damage to existing road features, for example, road humps and speed cushions.

Please answer all the questions in our online form as clearly and accurately as you can to help us deal with the issue you are reporting.

If the issue is any of the following (and an immediate threat to safety) phone us straight away.

Example emergency issues are:

  • collapsed road surface
  • missing ironworks, for example manholes and gully grills
  • damaged pedestrian guardrails likely to cause injury.

During office hours 8.45am to 5pm, Monday to Friday phone: 0161 253 5353.
Out-of-office hours phone: 0161 253 6606.