You can apply online for a new premises licence or to change an existing licence regarding a premises in the Bury borough.
Premises licences are valid for the life of the premises and can be varied at any time to change the hours or activities the licence allows.
Premises licences explained
A premises licence authorises the use of any premises for activities that require a licence, including:
- the retail sale of alcohol
- providing regulated entertainment, such as;
- a performance play
- exhibition of a film
- indoor sporting event
- indoor or outdoor boxing or wrestling
- dancing
- playing or performance of live or recorded music
- providing late night refreshment, such as selling hot food and/or drink between 11pm and 5am for customers to consume on or off the premises.
The types of business that will require a premises licence are often categorised as:
- public houses
- off-licences
- supermarkets
- takeaways.
For community centres, school or church halls:
- if entertainment is regularly hosted, a premises licence will be needed
- if entertainment is only occasionally hosted, a temporary event notice might be needed instead.
Premises licence applicants must be over 18 years of age. Anyone who has a property interest in the premises can apply, such as the:
- person responsible for the day to day running of the business
- leaseholder or freeholder
- legal mortgagee
- person occupying the property.
Premises selling alcohol
To sell alcohol on a premises, you will need to apply for and be granted a personal licence first before you can apply for a premises licence.
If a new licensee takes over a premises selling alcohol, the premises licence must be transferred and changed to specify the new designated premises supervisor under their personal licence. If this is not done, the premises licence will be considered void and all licensable activities must cease immediately.
Premises licence fees
When applying for a premises licence, you'll need to pay the licence fee at the time you make the application. Premises licences also have an annual fee that must be paid.
The payable fees of premises licences are the same whether it is a new application or a change to an existing licence.
Premises licence supporting documents
Premises licence applications must be accompanied by:
- the appropriate fee
- an operating schedule
- a plan of the premises that is clear and legible.
For applications where the sale of alcohol is intended, you will also need to provide a form of consent from the premises supervisor.
Operating schedule
The operating schedule must include details of:
- the licensable activities
- the times when the activities will take place
- any other times when the premises will be open to the public.
Premises plan
Unless otherwise agreed by us, your premises licence application must be supported by two copies of a plan of the premises to a scale 1:100 centimetres. The plan must also show:
- the extent of the boundary of the building and if relevant, any external and internal walls of the building and if different, the perimeter of the premises
- the location of the points of access to and egress from the premises and if different, the location of escape routes from the premises
- an outline of the full area of the licensable activities, indicating the area for each activity
- fixed structures, including furniture or similar objects temporarily in a fixed location which may impact on the ability of individuals on the premises to use exits or escape routes without impediment
- the location and height of any stage or raised area relative to the floor
- the location of any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts
- the location of any room that contains public conveniences
- the location and type of any fire safety, such as extinguishers, fire exits, fire doors, smoke alarms and any other safety equipment and if applicable; marine safety equipment
- the location of any kitchen
- if there is a flat above or below the premises, whether owned by you or not, please indicate what it's used for, such as accommodation or storage
- the intended use of all rooms on the same or associated floors.
The plan may include a chart, also known as a legend. This chart illustrates the details of the plan by using symbols.
Premises licences are underpinned by the Licensing Act 2003 (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) Regulations 2005.
Apply or change a premises licence
Applications can also be made to vary or transfer a licence, including applications for an interim authority following the death, incapacity or insolvency of a current licence holder.
Premises licence applications and payment can be made together, online. All applications must also be:
- submitted to the responsible authorities
- advertised on the premises one day after submission and remain in place for 28 days
- advertised in a local newspaper within 10 working days after submission.
You can download and use our templates for premises display notices and newspaper adverts from this page.
Time limited licence applications
If you require a premises licence for a limited amount of time, when applying you will need to provide:
- designated premises supervisor details
- confirm if the sale of alcohol is for consumption on or off your premises, or both
- how you propose to promote the licensing objectives
- any other required or relative information.
Downloads for Off Licence applications
Downloads for Takeaway applications
- doc file
- doc file
- doc file
- doc file
Downloads for Premises Licence applications
- doc file
- doc file
- doc file
- doc file
Premises licence application process
After 28 days of receiving your premises licence application, we will review any representations that have been submitted regarding your application.
If there have not been any objections about your application, we will grant your premises licence.
If any objections about your applications have been made, a hearing will be held by a panel of Councillors to decide whether your licence should be:
- granted with;
- additional conditions
- exclusions to certain licensable activities
- rejected.
Applicants will receive a notice of our decision. Any person who objected and the Chief Constable will also be informed of our decision.
Unsuccessful applications will receive our reasons for refusal. Applicants may appeal our decision to the Magistrates Court within 21 days of receiving our decision.