Your views and opinions are important to us and we'll always seek to consult with members of the public on our services, policies and plans.
Current consultations
We are reviewing our three-year community safety strategy for the Bury borough and we need your insight to inform local priorities and establish a new delivery plan. The survey closes on 3 January 2025.
We are consulting on Draft SPD 11 Parking Standards in Bury between 31st January and 14th March 2024. View the consultation document.
How consultations work
Consultations provide a way of having a conversation about a subject. They allow you to get involved and give feedback, which helps us understand your ideas, views, concerns and opinions.
When a consultation closes, we will assess all responses and will act on the results. Working in this way helps to ensure our policies and and the services we deliver reflect your views and priorities.
Closed consultations
When consultations close, we will continue to list them for 6 months.
Draft Northern Gateway Development Framework (closed 10 January 2025)
Budget consultation 2025/2026 (closed 23 December 2024)
Ramsbottom town centre Streets for All (closed 20 December 2024)
Radcliffe town centre Streets for All (closed 11 October 2024)
Developer Contributions for Education Supplementary Planning Document (closed August 2024).