Assisted bin collections are available if you are unable to move your bin to an accessible location at the front of your property. This service is free of charge and is available for eligible residents, even if you only need the service temporarily. We may visit you to check your eligibility.
You may not qualify for the assisted collection service if:
- you live with another person over the age of 16 who can put the bins out for you
- your circumstances change and you no longer need the support.
Assisted bin collection eligibility
You can request the support of our assisted bin collection service if you:
- are a resident in the Bury borough
- cannot wheel your bin to the kerbside of your property
- have a disability, are of ill health, are elderly or have mobility problems.
If you're eligible, our assisted bin collection service will:
- collect your bins from an agreed collection point at your home
- return your bins to the same collection point after emptying them.
Please be aware that you're responsible for ensuring we can access your bins from the agreed collection point on your collection days.
Apply for assisted bin collections
You can apply online for the assisted bin collection service.
After we receive your application, we'll assess your needs and inform you of our decision within 7 working days.
We reserve the right to withhold the service, if we believe it will lead to significant operational duties or cause unreasonable expense.
Assisted bin collection cancellation
If your circumstances change and you no longer need the services of assisted bin collections, please submit an online cancellation request.