Strength and balance
As we get older, we are more likely to lose muscle mass and strength, our bones become more brittle and our balance reduces.
This programme supports healthy and active ageing. It helps people to maintain or improve muscle strength and balance. It is particularly beneficial for people who are at risk of falls. Participants get the opportunity to do strength and balance activities which support them to continue living independently and continuing to carry out daily tasks.
This programme helps people:
- Improve bone health
- Improve posture
- Increase mobility
- Reduce pain
- Lower their risk of falling and the likelihood of ending up in hospital
We can provide personalised one to one sessions, either at one of our wellness facilities or within your own home.
Prehab4Cancer - cancer support and recovery programme
This programme is suitable for people preparing for, or recovering from, cancer treatment or surgery. It is provided jointly by GM Active and Bury Live Well Service.
The programme is designed to help people:
- Take control
- Improve quality of life
- Live well with, or beyond cancer
It involves:
- Exercise to improve fitness levels prior to, or after, treatment
- Nutritional advice
- General wellbeing support
The Prehab4Cancer programme lasts for up to 6 months. Throughout the programme participants have regular contact with a Level 4 Cancer Rehabilitation Specialist.
To refer directly to this programme go to the GM Active website.
Recovery after major surgery (a programme for people requiring major surgery for a non-cancer related health condition)
This programme is for helping people prepare for major surgery and make the best recovery as possible afterwards. The programme helps people minimise their hospital stay and maximise their chance of a speedy recovery
Examples of activities that can support your recovery:
- Moderate to brisk walking
- Swimming
- Jogging
- Cycling
- Suitable activities from our wellbeing timetable
Cardiac rehabilitation programme
This is a programme of exercise and information sessions to help people recover after a heart attack, heart surgery, heart procedure, or to improve existing heart conditions.
The sessions give people the information, support and advice they need to return to everyday life as well as possible.
The programme helps people:
- Understand their condition better
- Recover from surgery, procedure or heart attack
- Make changes to their lifestyle to help improve their heart health
- Reduce the risk of further heart problems
We can provide group sessions throughout the year. Delivered across 8 weeks these sessions are supportive, informal and friendly and for many people they are life changing.