Where a pupil is identified as having a Special Educational Need, schools should take action to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place.
This SEN Support should take the form of a four-part cycle through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the pupil’s needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes. This is known as the Graduated Approach. It draws on more detailed approaches, more frequent review and more specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to match interventions to the SEN of children and young people.
The services and links within this section will all provide information and advice in respect of the Graduated Approach, and the process of SEN Support.’
SEND Support for Schools
The SEND Support Service provides advice to education settings and services for the inclusion of children and young people at SEN Support. The service supports Bury’s Inclusion and Outreach Offer to schools (see downloadable PDF at the bottom of this page) through targeted and universal support which includes a CPD programme for school SENCOs and support for the Primary Locality Area meetings and Secondary Inclusion Partnership meetings. SEND Support Service work is embedded within section 6 of the SEND Code of Practice, and advice and support is aligned with Bury's Local Offer and Graduated Approach Toolkit.
Contact Details
Organiser: Cath Atherden Job Title/Postion: Service Lead SEND Support
Phone: 07976 682398 Email: c.atherden@bury.gov.uk
Bury Vision and Hearing\Deaf Impairment service supports children and young people, 0-25 years old with sensory impairment:
- Hearing impairment
- Visual Impairment
- Multi-Sensory Impairment
How to access the service
Children and young people are usually referred to the service through clinical settings (Ophthalmology and audiology). The service provides support, advice and information to families and education providers. Training is offered to mainstream staff, and the service works closely with other agencies to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people.
Specialist Hearing impairment Unit
Specialist Hearing Impairment Leaflet June 2024
Contact Details
Telephone: 0161 253 6786 Address: Elton Primary school, Alston Street, Bury BL8 1SP
Hearing Impairment Service
Contact Details
Telephone: 0161 253 7159 Email: hiteam@bury.gov.uk
Address: 3 Knowsley Place, Duke Street, Bury BL9 0EJ
Hearing Impairment Service Leaflet June 2024
For more information visit our Hearing Impairment Padlet Site
Vision Impairment Service
The vision impairment service is part of Local Authority Inclusion Services. The team aims to promote better outcomes for CYP with a Visual Impairment which include:
- educational attainment;
- social and emotional well being;
- rehabilitation and independence skills
- providing a comprehensive and flexible system of support to CYP, families/carers and educational providers.
The vision impairment service supports children from diagnosis to age 16 or 19 in special school.
Vision Impairment Leaflet 2024
Contact Details
Telephone: 0161 253 7159 Email: viteam@bury.gov.uk
Address: 3 Knowsley Place, Duke Street, Bury BL9 0EJ
For more information visit our Vision Impairment Padlet Site
The Secondary Partnerships is part of Local Authority Inclusion Services.
Background and Context
The Inclusion Partnerships were developed to provide a co-ordinated system of support and to increase capacity for meeting additional and special educational need within Bury’s schools. The Local Authority established four primary and two secondary Inclusion Partnerships following on from the Local Area Review and CQC inspection in 2016.
Age groups
The Secondary Partnerships work with students who are aged 11-16 and do not have Education Health and Care plans.
Partnership Areas
The two Secondary Inclusion Partnerships, North and South, are led by senior members of staff from the schools.
North Partnership:
Tottington High School, Woodhey High School, Elton High School, St Gabriel's Roman Catholic High School, Bury Church of England High School and Hazelwood High School.
South Partnership:
The Derby High School, Unsworth Academy, Philips High School, Parrenthorn High School, The Heys School and St Monicas Roman Catholic High School
To support the strategic development of these partnership the schools employ the Secondary SEMH Partnership Manager
- The Partnerships take collective responsibility for all pupils who live in the Bury area, irrespective of where they are on role.
- All school are committed to working collaboratively, in an open and transparent manner, in order to promote inclusion, prevent permanent exclusion and provide a high quality of education to all Bury Pupils who may be experiencing SEMH difficulties.
- All schools ensure that they are represented at Partnership meetings by senior staff who have full delegated responsibility for decision making.
- As far as possible all decisions about the allocation of Partnership resources including student places take place through partnership meetings.
Partnership Practice and Support
Partnership meetings take place approximately once a month, with the panel comprising of a senior member of staff from each school, the Partnership manager, members of the Outreach Team and representatives from the Local Authority SEND Support Service. These meetings aim to provide advice and support to schools to address the needs of pupils presenting significant challenges.
Referrals can be made for students who do not have and Education, Health and Care Plan to access a range of support which include:
- Support from Partnership Manager regarding individual pupil cases and development of whole school and targeted interventions.
- Support from the SEND Support Service and Partnership regarding the Inclusion Quality Mark
- Access to specialist support through the Multiagency Inclusion Panel
- Access to programmes and CPD commissioned and funded through the Partnership
- Facilitation of Managed Moves in order to provide young people with a fresh start.
- Advice and support with regard to the use of Alternative Provision
Contact Details
Organiser |
Job Title/Position |
Mobile Number |
Email Address |
Nick Bell | Secondary Partnership Manager | n.bell@bury.gov.uk |
The Outreach Team provides advice, support and guidance to schools and settings in meeting the needs of Children and Young People with SEND. The service offers a standardised approach to individual casework, working to a four-visit model:
Observation / Pupil Voice – planned observations of the young person within the setting and an opportunity to gather the pupil’s views
Pupil Consultation – consult with key stakeholders to gather school and family views, and to ascertain a young person’s SEND
Action Plan – identify priority activities and develop an agreed action plan with school staff based on:
- whole school approaches
- classroom-based strategies
- assessment and screening
- targeted support
- appropriate provision
- personalised intervention
Review – identify and discuss evidence of progress made, and revise and update the action plan if there is an ongoing need for a further cycle of support.
Schools can also seek additional involvement from the Outreach Team for:
- Assessment and screening - guidance for diagnostic screening & assessments to identify appropriate support and interventions
- Intervention – joint planning and delivery of targeted intervention to meet identified need
- CPD - support to build capacity through direct training, modelling, coaching, observation and feedback
- Signposting - advice to access appropriate resources, services and multiagency support
- Multiagency approach - advice regarding educational needs, and appropriate provision and support through attendance at TAF / CIN / CP meetings.
The Outreach Team also supports schools through the Secondary Inclusion Partnership and the Primary Locality Area meetings.
Contact Details
Organiser: Ali Isap
Job Title/Position: Outreach Team Manager
Phone: 07356 180077 Email: A.Isap@bury.gov.uk
The Secondary Inclusion Services Helpline is part of Local Authority SEND Support Service.
The purpose of the helpline is to give general advice around SEN issues that arise in school. Helpline consultations will be short, solution focused conversations to support schools with planning next steps.
The helplines will be accessed via email. To ensure a timely response, SENCOs are asked to use “Helpline Query” as the subject header.
The email should contain a brief description of your query. If you require a phone call response rather than email, you may request this. Please give a suggested time when you will be available.
Queries regarding individual pupils must be anonymous. It is expected that these queries will be at the earlier stages of presenting need; if significant input is needed, the school will be advised to email a referral in to the Multiagency Inclusion Panel.
Queries will be responded to by phone or email as appropriate within 1-2 working days of the request coming in.
SEMH queries to be sent to: n.bell@bury.gov.uk
EPS queries to be sent to: edpsych@bury.gov.uk
Inclusion Support Mailbox
Purpose: This guidance outlines the process for schools and educational settings to access support from Bury Council's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Support Services. The process aims to provide a timely response to school concerns regarding pupils with a Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) presentation or Communication and Interaction (C&I) needs who are at risk of suspension or permanent exclusion/placement breakdown. This includes where there are difficulties arising as a result of SEMH or neurodivergent presentation, and where risks are presented to the pupil or others.
Step-by-Step Process:
Step 1: Initial Contact
Schools should e-mail inclusionsupport@bury.gov.uk with details of their concerns. Please include:
- Pupil details (year group, SEN Status and primary SEND need) *Please do not include the pupil name or easily identifiable details
- Description of concerns
Step 2: Initial Screening Call
On receipt of the referral an initial screening call will be conducted within one working day. During this call, schools will have an opportunity to discuss their concerns and will be asked to provide further information.
As a result of the call, schools will be provided with educational advice and will be signposted to appropriate services and resources in which to support with the concerns outlined, and once parental consent has been obtained.
Please note that access to inclusion and outreach services can continue to be accessed through a referral to the Multiagency Inclusion Panel, if the above criteria do not apply, via MIP@bury.gov.uk.
OakLP Outreach provides support for the inclusion of all learners across primary and secondary settings in Bury. As a Trust we include Elms Bank School, Unsworth Primary School, Hazelwood High School, Philips High School, Crosshill School in Blackburn and Blackburn Central High School. The Outreach Team comprises of experienced Senior and Middle leaders, Specialist Teachers and highly experienced Teaching Assistants. The service caters for a range of individual needs from 4 to 19 years.
The aim of the Outreach Support is to transform lives using a highly inclusive educational approach. We work with professionals to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills and expertise to ensure the best possible outcomes for each and every student within Bury.
As a trust we care deeply about every learner within the Bury community, as such OakLP Outreach works with a number of other agencies, including health and education to ensure effective collaboration we believe that no student should ever be left behind.
As well as coordinating a strong SENCO Network across the authority, OakLP Outreach can offer schools bespoke packages that involve a SEND review followed by highly detailed action plans to support best practice. Furthermore we offer a range of CPD, including Trauma Informed Practice, Inclusive Classrooms and Behaviour de-escalation as well as adaptive teaching to support Numeracy and Literacy at primary and secondary level. We see CPD as vital to the success of all students, as such we work to ensure strong partnerships with all of the schools in Bury, giving them opportunity to visit our schools to witness best practice; this has included TA Development Drop Ins and whole school strategic support.
Contact Details
Organiser: OakLP Outreach
Telephone Number: +441615530030
Email Address: outreach@oaklp.co.uk
Website : OakLP Outreach
Times & Dates
Date(s): Monday-Friday 8am - 4pm
Time of Day: Refer to our training and graduated offers or our OakLP Outreach website
Activity Period: September 2023 - July 2024
Session Information: Term Time Only
For several years Bury has offered schools the opportunity to work towards accreditation against Bury's local Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) standards. There are several schools that have attained the award and have been recognised for their commitment and dedication to promoting the values of equality, diversity and inclusive practice.
Schools are offered the opportunity to evaluate their provision and practice against the Inclusion Quality Mark standards, identifying areas of strength as well as areas for development. The IQM standards and the external validation process encourage schools to review policies, practices and cultures in a systematic and consistent way.
Evidence towards the IQM standards is gathered over time, with schools needing to achieve 80% of the overall standards to be successfully accredited. The quality mark itself provides a standard for inclusion and direction in terms of school practice, whilst strengthening the rational for improving educational experiences and outcomes for all.
For more information please email Caroline Haughton: c.haughton@bury.gov.uk.
- Bury Standards for Inclusion[162KB]
pdf file
pdf file
- Early Years SEND Pathway[141KB]
pdf file
pdf file
- EHC Assessment flowchart[132KB]
pdf file