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Welcome to Bury’s Graduated Approach Toolkit

This resource has been co-produced with setting and school staff, parents/carers, children and young people, and professionals living and working in Bury.

It has been designed to offer guidance and support to anyone who experiences or supports someone with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities). There are sections specifically for educational staff, parents/carers and children and young people. Our aspiration is for this to be a well used ‘working document’ that is shaped and updated over time to meet the needs of those who use it.


The toolkit is designed to offer guidance and support to improve inclusion in educational settings and remove barriers to learning through reasonable adjustments and high quality teaching and targeted support as part of a ‘graduated approach’ to SEND. A graduated approach draws upon the four part cycle of Assess, Plan, Do and Review and is in addition to Ordinarily Available Provision.

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a group of children talking

Ordinarily Available Provision and the Graduated Approach

A range of activities, opportunities and support should be available to all children and young people as part of ‘Ordinarily Available Provision’, to support everyone’s inclusion and progress. For children and young people identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), where it is recognised that more targeted or specialist support is needed, a graduated approach should be put in place. This uses a process of Assess-Plan-Do-Review-Learn cycles, to develop a growing understanding of an individual’s strengths and the support they need to make good progress and achieve positive outcomes.

The toolkit covers the 0-25 age range: Early Years (0-5 years), Schools (5-16) and Post 16 (16-25). It is written for education staff to use collaboratively with parents/carers, children and young people.

Person Centred Planning

with links to Person Centred Planning Toolkit
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A red figure standing in the centre of numerous grey figures
We would like to offer a huge thank you to all contributors to this extensive piece of work on the Graduated Approach Toolkit in Bury.
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