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The following summarises the five defining weaknesses shaping economic growth and prosperity in the borough.

  1. Significant COVID-19 economic impacts (the economy shrunk by 6% which has direct implications for the prosperity of the borough and living standards)
  2. Insufficient jobs to prevent people commuting out of the area to work (meaning the borough can’t fully benefit from the talent and spend opportunities of its residents)
  3. Employment is concentrated in lower value sectors (the borough has reliance on sectors which are typically lower value and vulnerable to disruption, eg health, retail and construction)
  4. Large parts of the borough fall within the most deprived areas of England (limiting residents’ opportunities and life chances)
  5. Bury has one of the lowest proportions of residents aged 16+ earning above the national living wage in Greater Manchester (this impacts on living standards and limits residents’ ability to reinvest in the local economy)