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Information on the Places for Everyone joint development plan that covers nine Greater Manchester districts, to provide economic growth, homes jobs and to protect the natural and built environment
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Places for Everyone (PfE) identifies four key strategic sites within Bury.
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With the Places for Everyone joint plan, the Local Plan will form a key part of Bury's overall development plan
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Sets out existing policies used to determine planning applications
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The adopted Policies Map has been prepared taking account of the changes that have taken place since the adoption of the Bury Unitary Development Plan (UDP) in August 1997.
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Supplementary planning documents provide additional guidance on the implementation of particular planning policies
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The Council's timetable for producing the Local Plan
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The 10 Greater Manchester Authorities have jointly produced plans to guide future minerals and waste proposals
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Our Statement of Community Involvement sets out how we involve people in planning applications and the development of planning policies
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We're required to monitor the effectiveness of planning policies and assess how we are performing against the timescales set in the Local Development Scheme
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Neighbourhood planning is a new way for communities to get involved in guiding the future development of the places where they live and work
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Register your interest or intention to develop a self-build property in the Bury borough
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Information about the biodiversity in Bury, the laws and policies that help to protect these areas and its wildlife
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