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Greater Manchester transport modelling

The 10 Greater Manchester authorities have undertaken a transport modelling exercise. This assessed the transport implications of the scale and distribution of new development proposed in their Local Plans.

Bury's outputs from this exercise can be downloaded from this page. The outputs identify the cumulative impact of the borough's proposed development and highlight particular areas where stress on the transport network is forecast.

Infrastructure delivery plan

As part of the evidence for the Local Plan, we've produced an Infrastructure Delivery Plan which covers the following types of infrastructure:

  • Physical infrastructure: water supply and waste water, flood risk and drainage, energy and transport
  • Green infrastructure: green infrastructure network and sport and recreation
  • Social infrastructure: health, education, emergency services and libraries and other community facilities
  • Other infrastructure: waste management and communications and digital infrastructure.

This is fourth version of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. It will be subject to updates when infrastructure providers develop new plans and strategies. Significant changes will trigger a review of the document.