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Bury Council has a Constitution which sets out how the council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to make sure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.

It has a Leader and Cabinet made up of elected members, and officers who give professional advice, implement decisions and manage the day-to-day delivery of its services.

The attached structure charts (accessible list below) set out the senior officers of the council.

The most senior officer is the Chief Executive, and each department is led by an Executive Director.

The structure charts attached, and the accessible lists below, set out the management teams for each department and managers reporting to them.

Those listed on this page can be contacted via our main switchboard on 0161 253 5000 and at Bury Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury BL9 0SW.

Senior Leadership Structure

The following structure includes members of the Bury Council Executive Team (the Chief Executive and their direct reports) and the Council Senior Leadership Group. The data reflects the council structure as of April 2024.

The Chief Executive of the Council and Place Based Lead for Bury’s Health and Care Partnership leads an integrated leadership team.

Structure charts and accessible versions can be found attached.

The council’s Executive Team:

  • Lynne Ridsdale, Chief Executive of Bury Council and Place Based Lead for Bury's Health and Care Partnership.
  • Donna Ball, Executive Director (Operations)
  • Will Blandamer, Executive Director (Health and Adult Care) & Deputy Place Based Lead
  • Paul Lakin, Executive Director (Place)
  • Jeanette Richards, Executive Director (Children and Young People)
  • Kate Waterhouse, Executive Director (Strategy and Transformation)
The council's Executive Team

Business Growth and Infrastructure Senior Leadership Structure

Led by the Executive Director of Place this department is responsible for planning and new developments, housing strategy, economic development, regeneration projects, support for businesses and improving employment skills.

The structure chart <to follow> includes members of the Bury Council Business Growth & Infrastructure Management Team (the Executive Director and their direct reports) and those management posts directly reporting to them. The data reflects the council structure as of April 2024.

Children and Young People Senior Leadership Structure

This department is responsible for schools and education, skills, social care of children and young people, early years services and support for families and foster carers.

The structure chart <to follow> includes members of the Bury Council Children and Young People Management Team (the Executive Director and their direct reports) and those management posts directly reporting to them. The data reflects the council structure as of April 2024

Corporate Core Senior Leadership Structure

Led by the Executive Director Strategy (Strategy and Transformation) this department covers a range of support services which enable the council to function.

These key support services include finance and benefits, social housing, human resources, legal services, communications, information technology, elections and democratic services supporting the council’s decision-making processes, response to emergencies, adult learning, and customer services.

The Corporate Core also oversees the Council’s role as a social landlord across over 7,000 Council homes.

The structure chart <to follow> includes members of the Bury Council Corporate Core Management Team (the Executive Director and their direct reports) and those management posts directly reporting to them. The data reflects the council structure as of April 2024.

Health and Adult Services Senior Leadership Structure

The department provides and commissions social care services for adults and protection of public health, and also works closely with the NHS to provide health services.

The structure chart <to follow> includes members of the Bury Council Health and Adult Care Management Team (the Executive Director and their direct reports) and those management posts directly reporting to them. The data reflects the council structure as of April 2024.

Operations Senior Leadership Structure

The department provides a range of services for the residents of Bury such as waste collection; upkeep of roads, pavements, street lighting, bridges and other structures, and land; parks and leisure services; transport for vulnerable people; car parks; licensing and trading standards.

The structure chart <to follow> includes members of the Bury Council Operations Management Team (the Executive Director and their direct reports) and those management posts directly reporting to them. The data reflects the council structure as of April 2024.