If you’re struggling with the costs of living, then you’re not alone and support and advice is available.
There’s further information on these pages to help you manage.
If you have vulnerable family or neighbours please watch for any signs they are not turning their heating on, eating properly or worrying about the cost of living.
If you're unsure about the support that you may be able to access please call 0161 253 5400.
Use the confidential benefits checker to make sure you are receiving all the benefits to which you are entitled: Benefits calculator and budget planner
United Utilities’ Hardship Hub has advice from energy and utility companies, local authorities, housing agencies, charities, and community groups from across the North West of England. There’s help with utility bills to guidance on applying for housing support. View the Hardship Hub https://www.hardshiphub.co.uk/
The Money Referral Tool can also direct you to support for your circumstances.
Money Advice Referral Tool
- Bury MART v2.1 final[298KB]
pdf file
Support available
- Christmas family drop ins at family hub and children's centres. Advice about parenting, mental health, school or college, finances, parental conflict, friendships, sexual health, domestic abuse, substance misuse, housing and any other support. https://www.mynewsdesk.com/uk/bury-council/pressreleases/our-support-for-families-during-the-holiday-season-3360888
- Free school meals – All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 get a free meal at lunchtime, under the government's Infant Free School Meals scheme. These are provided at all Bury Council maintained schools, academies, free schools, and pupil referral unit. From year 3 onwards free school meals are available if you qualify see Free school meals
Warm Home Discount - If you are on low income you could get an extra £150 towards your energy bills - you need to check you are eligible before 29 February.
Child Benefit claims can now be made online
- Benefits - if your household has a low income and you are struggling with your finances, you may qualify for Benefits
- Rent and council tax extra help - Extra financial help may be available to help towards your rent and Council Tax: Discretionary payments
- Help dealing with mortgage debts
- Energy efficiency scheme - Greater Manchester residents are eligible for free tailored advice, support, and home improvements to lower their energy bills and make their homes greener. Visit: https://gmca.retrofitportal.org.uk/home
- Cold weather payments – a payment by the government’s Department for Work and Pensions if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees Celsius or below for 7 consecutive days. See if you are eligible: Gov.uk - Cold weather payment: Overview
- Free school or college travel pass: School and college travel assistance
- Free education and childcare for 2-year-olds (Early Education and Childcare): Free education and childcare for 2-year-olds
- Childcare is expanding
- Homelessness - there is help and advice available if you are at risk of losing your home: Homelessness
- Water bills – there is assistance available from United Utilities with grants to pay off water debt and debt advice. It may also be able to help with white goods: United Utilities Trust Fund
- TV Licence - if you’re in financial difficulty you might be able to spread the cost of your TV licence. Find out more about the Simple Payment Plan
HSBC financial wellbeing webinars are free to attend and provide practical advice, tips and hints on a range of topics from mortgages to savings, investing and budgeting. You do not need to be a HSBC customer to attend. All advice is impartial and relevant to you no matter where you bank. Visit the HSBC webinar timetable (External link) to book your place.
- Universal Credit - what couples who make a joint claim need to know
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both:
- a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
- difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition
You can get PIP even if you’re working, have savings or are getting most other benefits: https://www.gov.uk/pip
The UK Government is helping households with the cost of living. Find out what you could get at gov.uk/helpforhouseholds
- Extra support for families - contact 0161 253 5400
- Benefits - if your household has a low income and you are struggling with your finances, you may qualify for Benefits
- Warm Home discount scheme helps older people with energy costs in the form of a one-off automatic discount from your electricity bill – go to Gov.uk - Warm Home Discount Scheme to check if you qualify
- Pension credit - you could be entitled to additional income once you’ve reached pension age. You may still get Pension Credit, even if you have savings, a private pension or own your home. It can help with energy bills, living costs, council tax, television licence and other costs. Find out more at https://apply-for-pension-credit.service.gov.uk/start and Independent Age - Pension credit advice
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both:
- a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
- difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition
You can get PIP even if you’re working, have savings or are getting most other benefits: https://www.gov.uk/pip
- Could you be entitled to a free TV licence? - Over-75s now have to pay for their TV licence, unless they're getting Pension Credit: TV Licensing - Reduced fee
- If you are blind (severely sight impaired) you are eligible to apply for a 50% concession towards your TV Licence. Your licence will also cover anyone who lives with you. Go to blind (severely sight impaired)
- If you or a member of your family lives in residential care homes or sheltered accommodation then they may qualify for a concessionary TV licence
- Rent and council tax extra help - Extra financial help may be available to help towards your rent and Council Tax: Discretionary payments
- Cold weather payments – a payment by the government’s Department for Work and Pensions if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees Celsius or below for 7 consecutive days. See if you are eligible: Gov.uk - Cold weather payment
- Energy efficiency scheme - Greater Manchester residents are eligible for free tailored advice, support, and home improvements to lower their energy bills and make their homes greener. Visit: https://gmca.retrofitportal.org.uk/home
- Winter fuel payments - you could qualify for winter fuel payments if you receive Pension Credit or other benefits. Check if you are entitled: Gov.uk - Winter Fuel Payment
- Water bills – there is assistance available from United Utilities with grants to pay off water debt and debt advice. It may also be able to help with white goods: United Utilities Trust Fund
- The UK Government is helping households with the cost of living. Find out what you could get at gov.uk/helpforhouseholds
- Extra support for older people - contact 0161 253 5400
- Support from Royal British Legion - The RBL Everyday Needs Grants programme is designed to help people who need help in a quick and easy way with everyday essentials such as kitchen appliances, clothes, and energy costs. It includes £200 a month energy bill top-up grants for veterans: Question online: Royal British Legion offer.
British Legion: Everyday Needs Grants - Armed forces support pages:
- Pension Credit - If you have reached State Pension age you may be entitled to Pension Credit even if you have savings, a retirement income or own your home. Pension Credit can also help with housing costs, council tax, heating bills & for those aged 75 or over, a free TV licence. Find out more at https://apply-for-pension-credit.service.gov.uk/start
TV Licence - if you’re in financial difficulty you might be able to spread the cost of your TV licence. Find out more about the Simple Payment Plan
- The UK Government is helping households with the cost of living. Find out what you could get at gov.uk/helpforhouseholds
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both:
- a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
- difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition
You can get PIP even if you’re working, have savings or are getting most other benefits: https://www.gov.uk/pip
- Benefits - if your household has a low income and you are struggling with your finances, you may qualify for Benefits
- Warm Home Discount - If you are on low income you could get an extra £150 towards your energy bills - you need to check you are eligible before 29 February.
- Child Benefit claims can now be made online
- Childcare is expanding
- Rent and council tax extra help - Extra financial help may be available to help towards your rent and Council Tax: Discretionary payments
- Help dealing with mortgage debts
- Cold weather payments – a payment by the government’s Department for Work and Pensions if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees Celsius or below for 7 consecutive days. See if you are eligible: Gov.uk - Cold weather payment
- Homelessness - there is help and advice available if you are at risk of losing your home: Homelessness
- TV Licence - if you’re in financial difficulty you might be able to spread the cost of your TV licence. Find out more about the Simple Payment Plan
- The UK Government is helping households with the cost of living. Find out what you could get at gov.uk/helpforhouseholds
- Extra support for those of working age - contact 0161 253 5400
- Benefits - if your household has a low income and you are struggling with your finances, you may qualify for Benefits
- Warm Home Discount - If you are on low income you could get an extra £150 towards your energy bills - you need to check you are eligible before 29 February.
- Child Benefit claims can now be made online
- Childcare is expanding
- Rent and council tax extra help - Extra financial help may be available to help towards your rent and Council Tax: Discretionary payments
- Help dealing with mortgage debts
- Cold weather payments – a payment by the government’s Department for Work and Pensions if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees Celsius or below for 7 consecutive days. See if you are eligible: Gov.uk - Cold weather payment
- Homelessness - there is help and advice available if you are at risk of losing your home: Homelessness
- TV Licence - if you’re in financial difficulty you might be able to spread the cost of your TV licence. Find out more about the Simple Payment Plan
- If you are blind (severely sight impaired) you are eligible to apply for a 50% concession towards your TV Licence. Your licence will also cover anyone who lives with you. Go to blind (severely sight impaired)
- The UK Government is helping households with the cost of living. Find out what you could get at gov.uk/helpforhouseholds
- Help in getting online - New digital skills courses in libraries and Digital opportunities: Residents and businesses
- Extra support - contact 0161 253 5400
- Benefits - if your household has a low income and you are struggling with your finances, you may qualify for Benefits
- Rent and council tax extra help - Extra financial help may be available to help towards your rent and Council Tax: Discretionary payments
- Council Housing Tenants (formerly Six Town Housing) contact us
- Homelessness - there is help and advice available if you are at risk of losing your home: Homelessness
- Rights as tenants – for advice contact Shelter via the Shelter website or a freephone helpline 0808 800 4444 (8am to 8pm weekdays and 9am to 5pm on weekends)
- Housing support for armed forces personnel - Housing for armed forces personnel
- Water bills – there is assistance available from United Utilities with grants to pay off water debt and debt advice. It may also be able to help with white goods: United Utilities Trust Fund
- The UK Government is helping households with the cost of living. Find out what you could get at gov.uk/helpforhouseholds
- Budgeting, money management and debt advice - The Bury Directory - Home, housing and money support In Bury
- Affordable warmth and tackling fuel poverty - Home energy advice
Look out for offers from energy suppliers, for example Octopus giving out electric blankets to vulnerable customers. Some energy suppliers offer extra advice if you are registered on their priority services register - if disabled or using certain medical appliances. Support is available towards electric costs if using oxygen concentrator and water and electric costs if on home dialysis or other medical treatments.
Speak to your energy supplier to see if they can help.
Take a look uSwitch - Using energy efficient appliances such as slow cookers, and air fryers.
Help available includes:
- Difficulty paying energy bills - contact your energy supplier first to see if you can get a temporary credit. Many utility suppliers run trust fund grants to help customers in financial difficulty. These can help to clear fuel debts and even pay for household goods and appliances if necessary:
- British Gas Energy Trust - Apply for a grant
- Scottish Power Hardship Fund - Apply for a grant
- Ovo Energy Fund - Apply for a grant
- E.ON Next Energy Fund - Apply for a grant
- EFD Energy - Sign up to the priority services register to apply for a grant
- Octopus (Octo Assit Fund) - Apply for a grant
- United Utilities has grants to pay off water debt and debt advice. It may also be able to help with white goods: United Utilities Trust Fund
- Energy efficiency scheme - Greater Manchester residents are eligible for free tailored advice, support, and home improvements to lower their energy bills and make their homes greener. Visit: https://gmca.retrofitportal.org.uk/home
- Groundwork energy works - energy efficiency advice and assistance: Groundwork
- Leap energy - a free service to help people keep warm and reduce their energy bills without costing them any money. It can help with energy advice and in some cases replacement energy efficient white goods. See how you can save: Apply for leap
- Cold weather payments – a payment by the government’s Department for Work and Pensions if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees Celsius or below for 7 consecutive days. See if you are eligible: Gov.uk - Cold Weather Payment: Overview
- Affordable warmth and energy efficiency – advice from the Your Home, Better independent service to help reduce the costs of your bills as well as carbon emissions from home energy and heating. Find out more here: Your Home Better
- Warm Home Discount - If you are on low income you could get an extra £150 towards your energy bills - you need to check you are eligible before 29 February.
- Winter fuel payments - the government provides winter fuel payments each winter to provide help for older people with their heating bills. The payment is usually £200 for each household. Check if you are entitled Gov.uk - Winter Fuel Payment: Overview
- Citizens Advice Bureau:
- you can get advice about your energy bills at Citizens Advice - Energy supply, or
- speak to someone locally - Freephone Advice line: 0808 278 7804 available Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm or 0161 850 5053 (6pm to 9pm 7-days a week)
- complete self-referral form at Citizens Advice Bury and Bolton - Make a referral
- pre-booked appointments available at Bury Town Hall
- Other useful information about your bills, grants and energy efficiency can be found on our Energy efficiency pages
- The UK Government is helping households with the cost of living. Find out what you could get at gov.uk/helpforhouseholds
- Household Support Fund – contact the council 0161 253 5400 to see if you qualify for extra support through the Household Support Fund
- Food vouchers - you may qualify for one off food vouchers if you are in immediate need: see Bury Support fund
- Food banks can help if you are in need. To find your nearest support go to The Bury Directory - Food Banks
- Free school meals – All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 get a free meal at lunchtime, under the government's Infant Free School Meals scheme. These are provided at all Bury Council maintained schools, academies, free schools, and pupil referral units. From year 3 onwards free school meals are only available in certain circumstances - check if you qualify: Free school meals
- Healthy Start – get help to buy food and milk. You'll qualify for the Healthy Start scheme if you're at least 10 weeks pregnant or you have at least one child that's under 4, see: Healthy Start - Get help to buy food and milk
- Affordable cooking using less fuel Manchester Community Central - Power Up the Flavour
- The UK Government is helping households with the cost of living. Find out what you could get at gov.uk/helpforhouseholds
- Household Support Fund – contact the council 0161 253 5400 to see if you qualify for extra support through the Household Support Fund
- Budgeting, money management and debt advice - The Bury Directory - Home, housing and money support In Bury
- Affordable warmth and tackling fuel poverty - Home energy advice
- Help in getting online - New digital skills courses in libraries and Digital opportunities: Residents and businesses
- Help dealing with mortgage debts
- Gambling - If you’re worried that you or someone you know is being harmed by gambling you can contact Northern Gambling Clinic on 0300 300 1490 (Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm) for support go to www.chapter-one.org
- Citizens Advice Bureau:
- you can get advice about your energy bills at Citizens Advice - Energy supply, or
- speak to someone locally - Freephone Advice line: 0808 278 7804 available Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm or 0161 850 5053 (6pm to 9pm 7-days a week)
- complete self-referral form at Citizens Advice Bury and Bolton - Make a referral
- pre-booked appointments available at Bury Town Hall
- Water bills – there is assistance available from United Utilities with grants to pay off water debt and debt advice. It may also be able to help with white goods: United Utilities Trust Fund
- Household Support Fund – contact the council 0161 253 5400 to see if you qualify for extra support through the Household Support Fund
- The Bury Directory:
- Provides useful information, advice and details of services that can help you look after your physical and emotional wellbeing through its digital hub: The Bury Directory - Health & Wellbeing Digital Hub
- The Directory also has further information about keeping well this winter: The Bury Directory - Winterwell
- Bury Adult Learning Service offers free courses for adults (19+) who are experiencing anxiety or low mood to improve mental wellbeing: Course guides
- The Getting Help Helpline:
- A confidential helpline available for all residents who are experiencing difficulties with their mental wellbeing, including that caused by economic hardship. It is available Monday to Saturday 8am to 8pm, offering non-clinical support from experienced call handlers. The helpline is 0161 464 3679.
- You can also communicate with trained volunteers (supported by clinical supervisors) by text message, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, simply by texting GMBury to 85258
- Further support - information about broader support on mental wellbeing available in Bury, see: Health and wellbeing
- Support for armed forces personnel: Health and wellbeing support for armed forces personnel
- Bury VCFA social prescribing service helps improve health and wellbeing by connecting people to the many voluntary and community activities in Bury. The service is confidential and free for anyone aged 18 and over and registered with a GP – call 0161 518 5550
Sadly, there are people out there who are looking to take advantage of anyone struggling during the current difficult times.
Tactics they use can include:
- scam energy rebate text messages
- energy tariff mis-selling by doorstep sellers
- loan sharks preying on the most vulnerable affected by the cost-of-living crisis
For advice or to report please call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133 or go the website Citizens Advice - If you need more help about a consumer issue.