Universal Health services
You can search for GPs, dental services, pharmacy and Public Health nursing services on the Bury Directory- Locate your local services and practices website
GP surgeries are usually the first contact if you have a health problem. They can treat many conditions and give health advice. They can also refer you to other NHS services. Find a GP that suits what you need. Some GP surgeries offer more services than others. You can look up GP surgeries to see what they offer and how they compare.
Children and adults who have special needs, people who are particularly nervous and people who have additional physical or mental health issues.
Provides specialist advice and dental treatment. People are referred in to the service by letter, usually by their family dentist.
Service available Mon - Fri 8:45am - 5:00pm.
Closed Weekends & Bank Holidays.
Based at Moorgate Primary Care Centre, Whitefield Health Centre and Radcliffe Primary Care Centre.
The referrals are processed and assigned to a waiting list. Treatment is then offered at the patient's preferred clinic where possible.
The service also runs an Oral Health Promotion Unit to advise people how to prevent dental disease and maintain their oral health.
Dentists in the Community Dental Service also carry out dental surveys to monitor dental disease in the local community.
Contact Details
Organiser |
Telephone Number |
Website |
Mrs Christine Battison | 0161 447 9866 | Dental treatment for people with special needs |
Pharmacists are experts in medicines who can help you with minor health concerns. As qualified healthcare professionals, they can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.
Who are we?
The Children’s Community Nursing Team consists of Registered Children‘s Nurses with hospital and community experience. The team structure comprises of a Team Lead, a Specialist Diabetes Nurse, a Complex Needs Nurse, Senior Nurses, Staff Nurses, Health Care Support Worker and an Administrator.
We work with parents/carers within the Bury area to provide nursing care, support and health education for Children and Young People aged 0 to 18 years (19 years if complex, in full time education or under a paediatric consultant).
Our aim
We aim to ensure the child or young person can receive nursing care and treatment in the community setting for both acute and chronic conditions which can be delivered either at home or in one of our children’s clinics dependent on their needs.
Our service
The Children’s Community Nursing Team can provide a range of treatments and include the following examples:
- Intravenous Medicines/Injections
- Wound care
- Post-operative care
- Nasogastric tubes (NGT) and gastrostomies
- Complex needs
- Management of respiratory conditions
- Management of eczema
- Management of constipation
- Support with Epilepsy Management
- End-of-Life and Palliative care
- Oncology
If you would like us to see a child who does not fit into any of the above categories please contact us to discuss the required care.
When are we available?
We are available seven days per week, 365 days a year between 8am and 8pm. If you require medical advice out of hours, for non-emergency urgent care please call NHS 111. In an emergency dial 999 or attend your nearest A&E.
If you would like more information about the service please contact:
Children‘s Community Nursing Team,
3rd Floor Radcliffe Primary Care Centre,
69 Church Street West,
M26 2SP
Telephone: 0161 724 2137 Email: ccnt-bury@nca.nhs.uk
(During and out of hours you can leave a message on the answer phone stating your name and telephone number and a member of the team will contact you as soon as possible).
Health Visiting :: Northern Care Alliance
Health Visitors in Bury work for Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust. They are qualified nurses with specialist training and experience in many key areas including child health, health promotion and education.
They work in partnership with children and families and other agencies to provide a modern, effective health visiting service.
Some of the services we offer are
- Accidents and Home Safety
- Attachment & Bonding
- Baby Development from Birth to One Year
- Childhood Illnesses & Ailments
- Health Appointments & Services
- Pregnancy, parenthood & mental health
- Breastfeeding
- Safe sleep for babies information
- Well baby clinic
If you are unsure which area team you fall under see our list below.
For 8-12 month & 2 -2.5 year development check appointments please call the appointments helpline on 0300 323 3316
Please contact the correct Health Visiting team for your registered surgery (Please note that Health Visiting teams are links to GP's and not to postal addresses)
Bury Town Centre Team - based at Windsor House, 0161 762 3291 (select option 3)
GP practices are: |
Peel GPs- Townside |
Huntley Mount Medical Centre |
Walmersley Road Surgery |
Knowsley St Medical Centre |
Rock Healthcare - Moorgate |
Ribblesdale - Townside |
Minden Medical Centre - Moorgate |
Radcliffe Team - based at Radcliffe Primary Care Centre, 0161 724 2086 (Option 1)
GP practices are: |
Monarch Medical Practice |
Spring Lane Surgery |
Mile Lane Surgery |
Rock Healthcare Radcliffe |
Redbank Group Practice |
Radcliffe Medical Practice |
Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor Township Team - based at Ramsbottom Health Centre, 01706 282 933.
GP practices are: |
Ramsbottom Health Centre |
Greenmount Medical Centre |
Tottington Medical Practice |
Garden City Medical Centre |
Woodbank Surgery |
Prestwich Township Team - based at Prestwich Walk in Centre, 0161 798 2721
GP practices are: |
Fairfax Medical Practice |
Whittaker Lane Medical Practice |
St Gabriels Medical Practice |
Greylands Medical Practice |
The Birches Medical Practice |
Whitefield Township Team - based at Windsor House, 0161 762 3748
GP practices are: |
Unsworth Medical Practice |
Blackford House Medical Practice |
The Elms Medical Practice |
Longfield Medical Practice |
Uplands Medical Practice |
School Nursing :: Northern Care Alliance
The Bury School Nursing Teams offer health advice and support for all children attending Bury Schools and Colleges from the age of 5 years until their 20th Birthday. College pupils have open access to our service and can be referred at any point.
The team is responsible for delivering the Healthy Child Programme and for supporting the individual health needs of families, as needed. We work closely with other community based services, schools, health and Social Care providers and voluntary sectors.
The School Nurse Teams-
Whitefield SN Team 0161206 6271
Prestwich SN Team 0161206 6272
Ramsbottom SN Team 0161 206 6287
Town Centre Team SN 0161 206 0692
Radcliffe SN team 0161 0161 206 7740
Reception and Year 6 Children are offered the opportunity to take part in the National Child Health Measurement Programme.
Medical Conditions Training for Schools is offered to all schools covering Asthma, Epilepsy and Anaphylaxis. Please contact your School Nurse Team to find out when the next sessions are running.
This monitors growth and development and can help inform healthy lifestyle choices.
Vision Screening takes place for Reception children via the community eye service.
Hearing Concerns please contact your GP.
School Nurses carry out Health Assessments for children and young people and can refer to relevant health services if an unmet health need is identified. We receive referrals from Schools, GPS and other Health and Social Care providers.
School Nurses support children and young people with medical conditions, emotional health needs, special educational needs or disabilities ensuring they are able to attend school, remain in good health and thrive to the best of their ability, they work closely with partner agencies, carers and families to optimise health and well-being as well as advocating for access to education despite any additional challenges.
School nurses deliver a wide range of health promotion sessions in groups, assemblies or via one to one targeted interventions both in primary and high schools. Bespoke -Topics covered in High Schools; emotional health, equality and diversity, risk taking behaviour, healthy relationships, healthy lifestyle and puberty. A confidential High School drop in service is provided. Primary age children can also access emotional health support in group sessions or one to one referrals are required. . Puberty sessions are delivered to Year 5 and 6 Children. Hang hygiene and Healthy life style sessions can be arranged for Primary Schools.
To find out more, please visit: School Nursing :: Northern Care Alliance
We work with families, children and young people who have varying levels of learning disabilities and complex health needs to ensure the child’s health needs can be met and to enable them to access their education.
The Special School nursing service works closely with education, Social Care and other health professionals to ensure that the health needs of children and young people are met.
We are able to provide advice and support for children, young people and families who have additional needs or vulnerabilities throughout their school years.
We provide signposting and referral to other services and training for school staff to meet your child’s health needs within the school environment.
If you need to contact a Special School Nurse please contact on the following details:
Millwood Primary
School Street, Radcliffe, M26 3BW
Tel: 0161 724 2260
Elms Bank
Ripon Avenue, Whitefield, Manchester, M45 8PJ
Tel: 0161 766 1597 Option 5
Elms Bank College Hub
Bury Old Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 1JH
Tel: 0161 206 7129
Continence and Stoma Service :: Northern Care Alliance
Bury Continence Service aim to provide high quality care to people who are registered with a Bury GP and are experiencing bladder and/or bowel dysfunction.
We offer appointments at various clinics across Bury. Home visits can be arranged for people who are unable to travel to a clinic.
Incontinence affects over 6 million people in the UK. It can affect people of all ages with certain disabilities who may be more at risk. Whatever the circumstance incontinence can be distressing and socially excluding. The good news is incontinence can be treated successfully in many cases with proper Assessment and appropriate management.
Can I get help?
Yes you can. The Continence Service is a team of specialist nurses who can provide you with advice and treatment.
How can I arrange to see a specialist nurse?
You can go to your GP and request a referral or alternatively you can contact us direct.
What happens next?
We will contact you to offer an appointment in one of our clinics. The clinics are held in Tottington, Bury, Prestwich and Radcliffe. Home visits are available for people who cannot travel to clinic.
What will happen at the appointment?
The specialist nurse will take a history of your symptoms. Your medication will be reviewed. Your urine will be tested in clinic. A simple test may be performed like a bladder scan. You will be asked to complete a chart; recording what you drink, how many times you go to the toilet. You may be examined by the specialist nurse, if it is appropriate and with your consent.
What can be done to help?
We will agree a treatment plan with you. We will advise you regarding your fluid and dietary intake. We can offer advice on continence products and appliances.
Stoma Service provides community-based psychological support and specialised stoma care for patients in the pre and post-operative stages of stoma formation surgery. This support can provided either in your home or in a clinic.
We work closely with hospital-based stoma care nurses to ensure you experience seamless and joined up care.
Clinics are held at Prestwich Walk-in Centre and Townside Primary Care by appointment.
Prescribing Service
Bury Continence and Stoma Prescribing Service is run by a team of specialist nurses who are able to prescribe continence and stoma products such as catheters, sheaths, stoma pouches and drainage bags, for patients who require these products.
The service can also help to address any queries you may have about your prescription and can liaise with your preferred pharmacy, or delivery company, at your request.
Telephone 0300 323 0505 opt. 1
The Community Eye Service provides a number of ophthalmic services to people registered with a GP in Bury.
Our services include:
- orthoptics (squints, double vision, lazy eye etc) for adults and children
- ophthalmology for children
- community glaucoma service
- glasses testing for children
- low vision aids for adults and children.
- a range of orthoptic specialisms including children with SEND, stroke, visual processing difficulties and adults with learning disabilities.
We can assess the vision of the very young and provide advice to people with low vision and their carers.
The service is delivered at a number of community clinics in Bury. Our low vision clinics are also provided at Bury Blind Society.
Vision screening is offered to every child attending reception class in a Bury school.
Referral Criteria
The service is provided for all Bury residents registered with a Bury GP. Appropriate self-referral is accepted as is from any clinical practitioner including High Street optometrists.
Referral Methods
- Self-referral
- GP
- Health professional
- Social Care professional
Contact Information
Community Eye Service, 4th Floor, Townside PCC
Knowsley Place, Bury BL9 0SN
Tel: 0300 323 3316 Email: SPOA.fax@nca.nhs.uk
Parking Available: Yes
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm.
Weekends and Bank Holidays 8.30am-5.00pm
We currently offer appointments Monday-Friday, 8.00am-4.30pm. We also offer extended hours clinics regularly. Available evenings and Saturdays.
NHS Bury Talking Therapies is for people over the age of 16 years, who are registered with a GP in Bury or live in the Bury area.
We offer support and treatment if you're experiencing symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, low mood, stress, worry or anxiety, feelings of low self worth or panic attacks.
We can also help you to cope with the effects of a long-term health problem or chronic pain, post natal depression, Obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, eating difficulties and post traumatic stress reactions.
With help and support, these feelings and symptoms can be managed, guiding you to deal with them more effectively.
Our service is delivered by a range of professionals including therapists and counsellors, who will find a level of treatment that is right for you.
We also provide specialist support for those experiencing post-natal depression and for those with long term health conditions.
Please note we are NOT an emergency service, if you're feeling desperate or suicidal you should contact you GP as soon as possible.
Contact Details
Telephone Number: 0161 253 5258
Website : NHS Bury Talking Therapies :: Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
The Disability Services team provide an Assessment and recommendation service for the provision of equipment and adaptations for residents of Bury with a disability.
The team of Occupational Therapists and Assessment Officers can provide a specialist Assessment for individuals and their carers, and they can identify equipment or adaptations which make it easier for you to continue living independently in your own home.
If you are assessed as requiring a piece of equipment they will arrange for the Community Equipment Store to deliver and install it in your home. They also make recommendations for major adaptation's to your home, the funding of these may require a means tested grant.
All the help offered is based on individual needs, and the service is available to people of all ages.
You may self refer via the contact number below, and they will pass the referral on to us, you will then be contacted by our Duty Officer to gain more information about your needs, before an Assessment visit is made to your home.
Contact Details
Organiser: Adult Care Services
Telephone Number: 0161 253 5151
Email Address: adultcareservices@bury.gov.uk