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It’s go, go, go for Radcliffe’s regeneration

Our ambitious plans for the regeneration of Radcliffe are really beginning to take shape.

The £40m Radcliffe Hub project is now on site in the heart of the town centre.

A full planning application has been submitted for the new £20m secondary school with demolition and site preparation works due to start in Spring 2024.

Under way too at Redbank Playing Fields is work to create a new £2.4m‘best of class’ 3G pitch. And at Green Street, Watson Homes are preparing the site for drainage and foundation work to ultimately provide 132 new local homes plus 13,000 sq ft of commercial space.

Plans are also well progressed to deliver two further projects - a town centre pocket park (and conversion of the library building to an enterprise centre.

Find out more about these exciting projects, community safety work in Radcliffe and what residents at Cosley Alley have been doing to win a prestigious award for their fantastic efforts.