We are always pleased to hear from people using our services who want to compliment any of our colleagues or the service they receive. We want to know from users of our services what they consider we do well. You can send us compliments and comments via our online compliments form or you can send them in writing, see contact us section.
What can I complain about?
You can complain about any services offered by Children's Services, we will try to resolve your complaint quickly, fairly and confidentially.
Making a complaint
- If your complaint is about a school, you must follow the schools complaints procedure here Complaints about schools - Bury Council
- If your complaint is about educational matters such as SEND or school transport your complaint will follow the council’s corporate complaints procedure
- If your complaint is about a child receiving social care services from us, your complaint will follow the Children’s Social Care Complaints process detailed below. (The procedure covers complaints about services delivered to children and young people, children in need or in care; how the council applies to take a child into care; fostering, special guardianship and adoption services and complaints about services to children leaving care. The procedure exists to consider complaints not just by or on behalf of children, but from their parents, foster carers, special guardians, adopters and others who may have an interest in their well-being).
You can submit a complaint using the formal complaint form below
Alternatively you can make a complaint by:
- calling 0161 253 5529
- writing to Customer Care Office, Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 0SW
- visiting any Bury Council office.
We are committed to providing a good quality and fair service. If we have done something well, we like to share this with other staff so that we can learn from good practice. However we sometimes make mistakes, and if we do it is important that you let us know. Our aim is to learn from complaints and improve the services we provide for Bury children.
If you are unhappy with the outcome of your Children's social care complaint, please let us know and we will work with you to try to resolve any outstanding issues. However, if we are unable to reach a resolution, you can request an independent investigation (Stage 2). If you are still not satisfied you can request a review panel looks at how your complaint has been handled (Stage 3). If you are still unhappy with the response, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.
Annual complaints report
In line with guidance from the Department for Education, local authorities are required to publish an annual complaints report covering the council year. This report is to provide current information in respect of complaints related to Children's Services for the year 2021-2022.
Annual Complaints Report 2021-2022 [820kb] (this PDF is not fully accessible and may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. See: Accessible documents)