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Section 251 - Financial Budget Statements

The Local Authority is required under Section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to publish and make accessible the budget statement for inspection.

Section 251 Budget Statements - Content of Tables

Local Authority (LA) Table - provides an overall picture of the funding being allocated direct to schools, the amount being spent on education centrally and the amount being spent on children's and young people's services.

High Needs Places Table - lists the high needs place numbers and funding in each maintained setting.

Early Years (EY) Proforma Table - provides a format for local authorities to record details of their early years single funding formula, including the 3 and 4-year-old free entitlements (the universal 15 hours and additional 15 hours for working parents) and the 2-year-old entitlement and the entitlement for children aged 9 months to 2 years. Local authorities also need to confirm their planned budget for the special educational needs (SEN) inclusion fund, early years pupil premium (EYPP), and the disability access fund (DAF).

Scheme for financing schools

In accordance to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and The Schools and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations the local authority is required to publish and make available its approved scheme for financing schools.
The scheme outlines all provisions applicable to maintained schools in their management, including powers and responsibilities, of the schools delegated funding.

Approved scheme for financing schools [475kb].