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Funded by UK Government - Greater Manchester - doing things differently

Bury Council has commissioned Planit to create a plan for Whitefield town centre that will guide future proposals and priorities for the town. This work has been funded by the UK Government from Greater Manchester’s allocation from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The draft Whitefield Town Centre Plan sets out the vision of Bury Council and the Whitefield community for how the town can develop and improve, by identifying the short, medium and long-term proposals and priorities.

Some of the proposals within the plan will be delivered in partnership with Bury Council,  others will be community-led with community groups and local businesses taking a lead role.

Critical to the long-term success of the plan are the people of Whitefield. Their leadership, guidance and knowledge will be crucial in driving forward many of the proposals and the success of the Whitefield town centre plan.

Through a series of public events, we, have been, and will be engaging with the Whitefield community, encouraging local residents and community organisations to take a central role in developing the plan - based on their deep understanding of Whitefield.

The boundary of land considered in the Plan stretches from Besses o’ th’ Barn Church in the south, to Elms Square in the north; and from Phillips High School in the west to Whitefield and Victoria Park in the east.

Draft Whitefield Town Centre plan in more detail