Whitefield town centre’s economy has suffered because of large‑scale shifts in the retail economy, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis. These issues, however, are universally felt by towns and cities across the UK, many of which, alongside Whitefield, are searching for a new way forward.
The most significant challenge that Whitefield struggles with is how Bury New Road severs the high street and communities to its east and west.
The environment along the road is poor for every user - businesses are crammed in, pedestrians have little space, and high levels of noise and air pollution are experienced. There is limited planting along the road corridor, and traffic congestion has a clear and negative impact on both sense of place and public health.
Whilst incremental, and potentially community-led, improvements to the high street and surrounding areas will have a positive impact on the street environment. The long-term strategy for Whitefield must be to rethink Bury New Road (and the town centre more broadly) through an alternative lens, that of people, place (including its economy), and the environment.
The challenges
Whitefield’s biggest challenges include:
- The amount of vehicular traffic and wide roads
- A lack of variety of things to do
- Difficulties moving around on foot or bike
- Narrow pavements and low-quality public spaces
- Limited community facilities
- Too many shutters and blank shop fronts
- Parked cars detracting from the quality of public spaces
- Historic buildings which have lost quality and character from modern shop fronts and building works
- Whitefield lacks a heart/centre due to its linear form. During consultation events attendees were split as to whether Whitefield’s heart is in Elms Square; near the junction at Church Lane, Stanley Road, and Bury New Road; near the former town hall and library; or by Victoria Square
- Badly connected areas off from the A56
The strengths
Whitefield’s biggest strengths include:
- Many nearby green spaces
- Sport facilities and parks along Bury New Road
- A strong community spirit with active community groups
- Heritage buildings
- Famous shops and organisations
- A high-quality conservation area
- Mature trees and green residential streets
- Sport and parks at the centre of town
- Education facilities at the centre of town
The opportunities
Whitefield town centre can be enhanced as a destination, creating a range of activities, functions and uses to draw people to the town centre, and encourage them to stay there for longer.
The rethinking and physical redesign of Bury New Road is another key opportunity and is an essential step in transforming the town centre.
A new “heart” could be created for Whitefield – in the area from the former library to the former Town Hall and Slattery by encouraging activity in this location.
Other opportunities include improving:
- Public realm (by decluttering streets; using higher quality materials; creating new spaces for people; reclaiming space from the highway)
- Movement and connectivity (through creating new walking routes; improving crossings; adding cycle parking; rationalising car parking; encouraging more people to walk, wheel, and cycle)
- Navigation (by adding improved signage and wayfinding)
- Opportunities for the community to get involved in delivering projects
- Green spaces (by planting street trees, creating parklets, creating green alleys)
- Buildings and the built form (by encouraging sensitive development and refurbishments in the town centre)