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If we have not offered your child a place at your preferred school or if you are not happy with the school we have offered your child, you can appeal this decision.

You're entitled to submit an appeal of a school place decision and appeals are made to an independent appeals panel.

You can appeal for more than one school and there will be a separate hearing for each school you appeal for.

Primary school reception class appeals

To appeal a primary school reception class offer, please complete and return the form to, along with any supplementary information.

Please complete:

  • one appeal form per school
  • one appeal form per child.

Secondary school Year 7 appeals

To appeal a year 7 secondary school offer, please complete and return the form to, along with any supplementary information.

Please complete:

  • one appeal form per school
  • one appeal form per child.

Admission appeals guidance

Under section 94 of the School Standards and Framework Act (SSFA) 1998, the responsibility for making arrangements for appeals against the refusal of a school place rests with the admission authority of the school.

The Admission Authority and Appeal Panels must act in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code and the School Admissions Code. Appeal panels perform a judicial function and must be transparent, accessible, independent and impartial, and operate according to principles of natural justice.

This guidance explains how the appeals process works and will help you, if you wish, to appeal against the Bury Local Authority's decision not to offer your child a place at your preferred school(s).

We've gathered some frequently asked questions that will help you to:

  • understand the process
  • know what will happen at an admission appeal hearing
  • understand how Appeal Panels make their decisions.

Infant class appeals frequently asked questions

School admission appeal frequently asked questions

Admission appeals contacts

Enquiries about Bury school admission appeals frequently asked questions, guidance and appeals process should be addressed to:

  • Clerk to the Appeal Panel, Democratic Services, Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury, BL9 0SW
  • Telephone: 0161 253 5134
  • Email:

Enquiries about other aspects of admissions and alternative school preferences should be addressed to:

  • Admissions Team, Children's Services Department, 3 Knowsley Place, Bury, BL9 0EJ
  • Telephone: 0161 253 6474
  • Email:

The Local Government Ombudsman can be contacted at: