Courses are delivered from three ;main locations in the borough.
Bury Adult Learning Centre
18 Haymarket Street, Bury BL9 0AQ.
Telephone: 0161 253 5772.
Prestwich Library and Adult Learning Centre
The Longfield Suite, Prestwich M25 1AY.
Telephone: 0161 253 7750.
Ramsbottom Library and Adult Learning Centre
Carr Street, Ramsbottom BL0 9AE.
Telephone: 0161 253 5352/5425.
Other locations
Bury Adult Learning Service also delivers in a variety of other locations including:
- ADAB, Bury
- Mosses Centre, Bury
- Attic Project, Bury
- Ingeus, Bury
- Libraries
- Schools
- United Reform Church, Radcliffe