If you wish to find the planning history of an address or associated planning application documents and information, these are available using both our database search facility and interactive online map:
Please check Simple Search for any documentation required before contacting us directly to request copies.
Information currently available on-line
Planning application documents, decision notices and information
- All Planning application documentation and decision notices are available from 2007 onwards
- All Planning applications are plotted electronically from 1999 and the sites/reference numbers can be viewed via the online planning applications online map. In addition the public access database search will reveal planning applications back to 1984
- Planning application documentation and decision notices 1999-2007 and decision notices only from 1977-1999 can be made available but you will need to provide the relevant planning reference numbers via the contact form (below)
- Note: Planning do not supply copies of building regulations related documentation, decisions, completion certificates etc. You must contact Building Control (Building regulations)
Historic planning searches
- Requests for us to carry out planning application searches 1948-1999 will attract a fee of £104.65 per hour. Please note we can only provide planning reference numbers as planning files 1948-1999 are archived on microfiche and held by the Council’s Archive department.
Note that if contacting Archives to view historic planning files you must quote the relevant planning reference numbers: Archives and family history. Also note this is not a substitute for an official Land Charges Search: Local land search. - If you wish to proceed with a planning application history search, please use the contact form where you can attach a location plan with a red edge around the site to be searched and we will confirm the fee payable by return with details of how to pay:
Section 106 Agreements
Please contact the Land Charges department to arrange purchase of copy S106 agreements: Local land search.
Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)
You are able to check whether a TPO exists on a particular property or site and obtain the number or, if the site is situated in a conservation area via the online interactive map Online maps.
Note. Copies of the orders are not currently available on-line. If you do require a copy, please contact us with the TPO number via the contact form:
Discharge of conditions confirmation
Documentation regarding approval of conditions that are required to be discharged on planning permissions are recorded and available on Planning application consultations.
Note. Documentation is only available from 2008 onwards when the government implemented a formal procedure for the discharge of conditions.
If you require our written confirmation that conditions have been formally discharged please provide the planning reference number and the relevant condition numbers via the contact form and by return we will confirm the fee payable with details of how to pay:
Written Confirmation of Discharge of Conditions:
Categories of hourly rates – complexity dependent:
- Development manager - £110.00
- Principal planning officer - £90.00
- Senior (planning or equivalent) officer - £75.00
- Planning officer - £55.00
- Technical officer - £40.00
Note. This will only involve a desktop assessment of the planning approval and will not confirm whether the conditions if discharged have subsequently been complied with. Also this process cannot be used to confirm compliance with a condition requiring a development to be commenced or completed within a certain time period (usually condition number 1 on most planning decision notices). To seek confirmation that a development has commenced in time, you will need to submit a Lawful Development Certificate.