How to report fraud
We have zero tolerance to fraud and corruption. If you have any concerns about fraud, we want to know:
Whistleblowing (Confidential Reporting)
We are committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability. If you have concerns about any aspects of the Council's work, you should come forward and voice those concerns.
We need as much information as possible but you don't have to give your name. The form explains the details we need, and will take about 10 minutes to complete. If you can't answer all the questions, just tell us what you do know. If you have any problems filling out the form please contact us.
Housing Benefit fraud
Housing Benefit fraud is investigated by the Department for Work and Pensions. Please use the form below to report your concerns to them:
What counts as fraud
We want to hear from you about any activity you believe to be fraudulent. This could include:
- Housing fraud for Council properties
- falsely claim to be homeless when applying for housing
- fraudulent applications under the Right to Buy scheme
- subletting rooms in a Council property for profit
- Social care fraud
- continuing to accept social care payments after the eligible person has died
- not passing on social care payments to a carer and using it to pay for other things
- Business rates fraud
- giving false information to reduce a business rates bill
- not declaring a business to avoid being charged rates
- creating a false tenancy to avoid paying business rates
- Blue Badge fraud
- using a badge when the disabled person it belongs to is not present
- faking or exaggerating a disability to get a badge
- forged badges such as scans or photocopies
- selling lost or stolen badges
- Council employee and contractor corruption
- an officer or councillor using their position to secure a job, housing or contract for a friend or family member
- a contractor trading fraudulently by avoiding paying tax, or invoicing for services not being provided
- an officer or councillor using their position to avoid paying for something or obtaining services for themselves
- making false overtime/expenses claims
- Council Tax fraud
- giving false information to pay less Council Tax
- not registering for Council Tax when moving into a property
- claiming to be on the only person living in a property to get a single person discount, when other people are also resident
- Council Tax Support scheme fraud
- people who work, but don't declare this when they submit their claim
- people who claim as a single person, but actually live with a partner
- people who claim from an address, but do not live there
- people who do not declare the full amount of their income and savings when they claim benefit
Sometimes an investigation uncovers more than one type of fraud being committed by the same person. We will use the information you give us to stop any type of fraud we discover.
When you've reported fraud
We will take your allegation seriously, and we will investigate if we have enough information. Anything you tell us will be treated in the strictest confidence. However we cannot tell you about the progress of our investigations.
When we catch fraudsters we:
- stop them getting the council service they've been fraudulently obtaining, for example their Blue Badge
- recover money fraudulently claimed, using the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
- prosecute them in the courts
- publicise our successful cases in the local press
- learn from the case to stop other people committing the same types of fraud
Our Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy is available below. It details the way we work to investigate and prevent fraud. This document also includes our Whistleblowing Policy, which explains how council staff can report fraudulent activity.
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