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When shaping ideas for your projects taking place in the North neighbourhood you must refer to the following health improvement framework.

The framework lists actions and ideas organised into these areas:

  • Food
  • Physical activity
  • Mental health and wellbeing including suicide prevention
  • Self care
  • Children and young people
  • Substance misuse including smoking

In addition, there is a section of other areas of need identified through data, professionals working in the area and the community.

Health Improvement Framework: North neighbourhood
Address food povertyEnhance and promote local networks
Develop knowledge of foodOffer training or workshops to health cooking
Develop community food and growing skillsProvide opportunities for developing cooking skills in the community
Support a move from food poverty to food securitySupport foodbanks to move to food pantries
Maximise use of community resourcesIncreased use of allotments, educational courses to voluntary groups to develop project management
Reducing food wasteDevelop local schemes and programmes that contribute to reducing waste e.g. campaigns, composting etc.
Physical Activity
Promote social, economic and environmental co-benefits of physical activityMass participation events e.g. walking festivals and organised runs
Improve walking and cycling opportunitiesDeveloping walking and cycling groups
Support least active to be active and those most impacted by CovidTarget schemes and initiatives in groups known to be most inactive e.g. BAME, those out of work etc.
Use an innovative approach to the provision of places to undertake regular physical activityUsing community venues such as , health settings, community facilities, open schools and colleges for community physical activity provision
Build on successful activities which have engaged children and young people across our schoolsInitiative to build on the Daily Mile and Change 4 Life Clubs
Enhance opportunities for older people to become and remain active throughout their livesTargeted activities in care homes and in the community
Embracing digital technology creating opportunities for health improvementOnline physical activity sessions
Mental Health and wellbeing (including suicide prevention)
Support to dealing with loss and bereavement for all agesBereavement support for adults and children and young people
Raising awareness of suicide prevention strategiesSuicide Awareness training sessions for anyone working and volunteering in Bury
Promote the importance of looking after your mental wellbeingRollout of the Connect 5 programme in Bury to raise awareness of mental wellbeing in everyday practice
Enhance opportunities to help those struggling with loneliness and isolationGentle support for those who have shielded or isolated during the pandemic, covid safe coffee and activity sessions
Support for those suffering emotionally due to covid, job loss or financial worries, health concerns, etc.Peer support, workshops, groups sessions to improve mental wellbeing in neighbourhoods with limited support. Targeting young people, BAME, men and older people
Self Care
Promote opportunities where individuals can look after themselvesIT training, hiring out tablets to access internet access
Supporting carers to have time to look after themselvesRespite activities, peer support groups
Support for those struggling to live independentlyNetwork to provide help with basic daily needs
Children and Young People
Improve school readiness and wellbeing of familiesPre-school interventions
Promote Speech and Language toolsOrganised and targeted activities which promote child and adult interaction
Support emotional and mental wellbeingPeer support groups
Substance misuse (including smoking)
Support individuals locally to quit substances through creative meansPeer support groups, activity groups for those with substance misuse issues
Support communities most at risk of drug and alcohol misuse before problems ariseWorking with high risk communities to raise awareness of dangers
Focus on improving physical health of people with substance misuse issuesExercise sessions and health eating support targeted towards substance misusers etc.
Promote wellbeing and recovery by linking treatment systems with community based organisationsWorking with service providers to have additional community based support
Other areas of need identified through data, professionals working in the area and the community
Support the 0-5 years (Pathway required since the loss of children's centre).
Equip local volunteers with training and skills to increase the potential for sustainability of projects
Child health programme of activities for 0-5 years.
Work with childcare providers to offer additional support network and activity groups.
baby massage, breastfeeding support groups.
Using community venues such as: health settings, community facilities, for activity provision
Support children and young people with their low-level mental health needsWork with schools to do outreach work.
Link with Youth Cabinet and existing self-care programmes to children within a youth friendly setting
Improve and identify where the gaps are regarding Digital skills, lack of equipment and Wi-Fi and provide links to support.
Link with council or six town housing with community centres
Digital awareness or workshops.
Work with community to raise awareness of courses available to support this area.
Digital eagles training Barclays bank.
Ask my GP apps to promote and offer workshops of how to use them
Support the community and individuals with money issues and allowances that are availablePeer support, workshops, groups sessions to improve any anxiety of financial problems.Information promoted on what is available to support and how to access
Improve information and awareness regarding fuel poverty (especially for those living in old large houses)Workshops, groups sessions to improve any anxiety of financial problems.
Local campaign to raise awareness.
Link with energy providers to offer workshops
Engage with communities to find the 'Hidden carers' and support these carersPeer support groups.
Digital information to support
Improve the provision of inclusive activities for children with SENDWorkshops, activities etc that are inclusive, and age specific
Youth engagement to be improvedImprove the number of activities available in Ramsbottom.
Target specific activities to all females and age specific.
Walking groups for the youths.
Outreach work to evidence what is required and link with schools.
Improve awareness of services i.e. youth services, scouts, guides etc. and link with them to offer taster sessions within the communities.
Target schemes and initiatives in groups known to be most inactive
Improve the awareness of Transgender and provide support for those who are going through pre reassignmentSupport group and signposting.
Networks for LGBTQ+ groups to link with
FrailtySlips trips information, campaigns and awareness
Loneliness and isolationLunch clubs, coffee mornings with activities.
Link with church networks.
Network of what is available locally.
Mixed generational groups - Link schools and children's play groups etc. with sheltered accommodation or care homes
Improve the Nutrition and hydrationWorkshops delivered to give information.
Link with networks to support i.e. Staying Well team
Improve the awareness of Dementia within the communityDementia awareness sessions.
Support groups.
Dementia friendly cafes.
Link and promote the 'This is me passport' - (recently piloted)
Improve awareness and support for Young Carers and enhance opportunities to help those strugglingPeer support group.
Activities for specific group