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If you are a governor of a Bury school Bury Council's Governor Support Service can provide guidance and help in your role. This can range from recommending training courses to answering specific questions you have about being a governor.


General policies and guidance

The Bury Governor newsletters

Joint newsletters from local school governors, the Bury Governor Association and Bury Governor Training Group.

Chair's Briefings

Information from elsewhere on the web

You may also find the following websites useful:

  • Bury Governor Association - training opportunities for school governors.
  • Schools' Forum - made up of head teachers, governors, elected members, council officers and professional associations, such as trades unions. Their purpose to bring together schools, the council and the Local Education Authority, so they can agree on how education is funded in the borough.
  • National Governance Association - an independent charity, working to support good governance in schools. It is involved in lobbying government ministers, policy makers and education organisations. They also run national conferences, and a number of regional events.
  • Times Educational Supplement - provides background information about current education issues.