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If you are aware of anyone who is rough sleeping, please contact the Bury Council Rough Sleeper Team on the below communication.  Please provide the clients sleep site and name.

Ellie Costello, Rough Sleepers Co-ordinator.


Alternatively, submit an outreach request via the Streetlink website

We aim to:

  • provide dedicated officers to support and assist those rough sleeping into accommodation (ABEN).
  • provide a rapid response to new rough sleepers.
  • provide support tailored to an individual’s needs and coordinate interventions.
  • help rough sleepers to access a place of safety.
  • reconnect rough sleepers from outside the area with their community.

You can also contact the Bury Council Homeless Assessment Team in relation to anyone at risk of or experiencing rough sleeping.

Telephone during normal working hours, Monday to Friday, on 0161 253 5537. Telephone out of hours on 0161 253 6606.

Severe/cold weather provision

In the instance that the severe/cold weather provision is triggered, please follow the same process as above and contact the Bury Council Rough Sleeper Team during the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. We have access to a provision for clients who are rough sleeping.  If a client is identified rough sleeping during out-of-hours or on a weekend, then please contact the number below. Our homeless assessment officers will follow our severe/cold weather provision process.

Bury Council Homeless Assessment Team out of hours contact: 0161 253 6606.

We request that services ensure that clients being referred to our cold weather provision are genuinely rough sleeping. These bed spaces are crucial during this time.

All rough sleepers placed within the cold weather provision will be provided with wrap around support from our Rough Sleeper Team, including that of accommodation.

A bed every night

Bury has made a commitment to provide 'a bed every night' (ABEN) for all people that are sleeping rough on the streets in Bury.

Our ABEN service will provide:

  • a bed every night for referred rough sleepers.
  • accommodation with appropriate facilities, 24 hours a day.
  • intensive support for customers.

Referrals can be completed via the link at the top or bottom of the page. However, please be aware that customers will only be contacted when a vacancy is available. If a customer is rough sleeping and requires contact from our outreach team, please contact with details.

Online referrals to the ABEN service are not appropriate for families with dependent children, instead please use our homeless assessment service.