Street trading is not permitted within the prohibited areas of the borough. You can apply for consent using a street trader licence.
It is illegal to put up signs or stalls selling products on the highway, including grass verges. However, produce can be sold from the land on which it is grown, but signs advertising such facilities must be clear of the highway and may require Planning Permission. Any unlicensed use of the highway for tables and chairs is an obstruction and may be dealt with by the police.
There are three main types of permission which may have to be obtained before tables and chairs may be placed on a part of the highway:
Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent may be required from us for the use of the land or building for a café. There is a fee for this and planning approval must have been granted before an application will be considered by us.
A licence will be required from us as the Highway Authority, to put tables and chairs out on a public highway, whether it be on the street or a pavement or a pedestrian area. There is a fee for this, payable before a licence can be issued.
Prohibited street trading areas in the borough
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