Are you a Bury resident or part of community group looking for digital support? If so, then you are in the right place to find out all you need to know about digital skills and connectivity support available to residents and community groups in Bury.
Here at Bury Council we aim to support you and provide you with tools to feel confident using modern technology and assist you with your digital development and progress. We can help you with things that:
- you have to do – such as paying bills online, applying for housing, claiming benefits and Universal Credit, looking and applying for jobs or studying to further your career.
- you want to do - such as looking for cheaper energy deals, car and home insurance and broadband deals which may be only available online.
- you like to do - such as online shopping, booking holidays online, researching family history, or keeping in touch with friends and family by email and social media.
Below you will find all you need to know about Bury’s digital support offer for residents and community groups in our local authority.
Digital Inclusion map
In this map you will be able to find your nearest library, community centre offering digital support, Adult Learning or Bury College classes, GM Databank locations and free Wi-Fi spots.
There are also over 60 free Wi-Fi hotspots in Bury which can be found in this free Wi-Fi Hotspots map tool.
Tech and Café Drop-Ins Timetable
Every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, Ingeus Bury Neighbourhub, Mill Gate Shopping Centre, Bury, BL9 0QQ (opposite the toilets), Time: 10 am to 2 pm
- Every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, Red Door Caritas, St Josephs Presbytery, 7 Peter Street, Bury, BL9 6AB, 10 am to 12 noon
- Age UK Bury, The Jubilee Centre, Mosley Avenue, Bury, BL9 6NJ, Time: 10 am to 12 noon
Jinnah Day Care Centre, Alfred Street, Lancashire, BL9 7HE, Time 10 am to 12 noon
- Topping Fold Community Library, 36 Topping Fold Road, Bury, BL9 7NG, Time: 10 am to 2 pm
- Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 11th of February to 1st of April 2025, Bury Adult Learning Centre, 18 Haymarket St, Bury BL9 0AQ, Time: 10.30 am to 12 noon
- Bridge Community Church, 10 Milltown Street, Radcliffe, M26 1WD, Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
- The Eagles Wing, The United Reformed Church, Parsons Lane, Bury, BL9 0LY, Time: 10 am to 12 noon
- ADAB, Mosses Centre, Edward Street, Bury, BL9 0RZ, Time: 1 pm to 2 pm
- Top O'Th Fields, Whitefield, Bury, M45 7FA, Time: 2 pm to 3 pm
HMR Circle Digital Drop-Ins Timetable
- The Green Community Café, Clarence Park, Walmersley Road, Bury, BL9 5DH, Time: 1 pm to 2 pm
Libraries Digital Buddy Sessions
These sessions are ideal for those looking to improve their digital skills or seeking personalised assistance with technology related questions. Help is available from:
- Ramsbottom Library: Tuesdays from 10 am to 12 pm
- Radcliffe Library: Tuesdays from 2 pm to 4 pm
- Prestwich Library: Wednesdays from 10 am to 12 pm and Thursdays from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm
- Bury Library: Thursdays from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm
Contact your local library to book a 1:1 appointment.
Digital Support Drop-Ins for Residents
In our Tech and Café Drop-Ins we work closely with local community groups and charities to deliver free digital skills support to residents in places where they frequently attend and feel most comfortable in a supportive environment.
The sessions usually happen on set days once or twice a week for couple of hours and are run and supported by our fantastic Digital Buddy volunteer network, who offer 1:1 support. The drop-in style sessions are informal and flexible style workshops which residents can attend without prior appointments.
To find out your nearest drop-in session location and schedule a visit go to Digital Inclusion map, or view the timetables above.
Are you looking for learning in a classroom setting or online at home? Then visit digital skills learning courses page to find out more.
Help to get online
The increase in the cost of living in the UK has impacted many aspects of individual lives including housing, transportation, food, utilities, and general expenses. When it comes to Internet and mobile data, many find themselves cutting back on Wi-Fi and mobile phone bills.
Below you can find a list of budget friendly and saving tools for Wi-Fi and mobile connection to help you get online.
Help getting free SIM cards and data
In partnership with National and GM Databank, Bury libraries and community centres, who have signed up to the scheme, can gift free SIM cards, pre-loaded with mobile data, free minutes and calls to residents 18+ who need them. The cards last between 6 months to a year and the amount of mobile data varies between different network providers.
To find your nearest GM Databank visit National Digital Inclusion Network Map for England or Bury’s Digital Inclusion Map or GMCA Digital Skills Map to find your nearest Databank across Greater Manchester.
If you are a community organiser and you would like to join the National Databank Network provided by Good Things Foundation, visit the Good Things Foundation website or email digitalsupport@bury.gov.uk to find out more.
Affordable Wi-Fi tariffs
Social tariffs are discounted broadband plans available to individuals receiving specific benefits, including Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payments (PIP), and Pension Credit. Ofcom estimates that only 3.2% of households receiving Universal Credit are utilising social tariffs available to them.
Below you can find links to affordable Wi-Fi tariffs for your household.
Ofcom Social tariffs: Cheaper broadband and phone packages.
4th Utility social tariff plan: Affordable broadband to every home.
Jangala Get Box
Jangala is a not-for-profit organisation, providing digital inclusion solutions, such as Get Box connectivity to community groups.
Get Box is Jangala’s solution to digital poverty for small groups, such as households struggling with broadband or mobile data costs. It is distributed through partnerships with charities and organisations to those in need. The box can connect up to 20 people per device. The box is powered by Virgin Media O2 SIM cards provided by Jangala, in partnership with National Databank.
If you run local support group or charity and are interested in Jangala’s Get Box as a solution for your service users struggling with broadband or mobile data costs, then please email us on digitalsupport@bury.gov.uk.
Digital Support for Non-Profit Organisations
Bury VCFA Digital Toolkit - This online toolkit aims to consolidate the common topic areas frequently inquired about by non-profit organisations and to direct users to some of the best resources available, produced by a variety of charities, tech organisations, and volunteers.
AbilityNet - Their services support a wide range of users from older or disabled people looking for help with their technology to digital professionals advocating for accessibility best practices within your organisation.
Age UK Manchester Scam Awareness and Advice - Age UK Manchester offer to attend drop-in sessions to provide free scam training for adults aged over 50, which is available to all organisations working in GM.
Microsoft 365 for Nonprofits - Discover how Microsoft 365 with Microsoft Teams can enhance your nonprofit by improving cybersecurity, reducing costs, and enabling staff and volunteers to work from anywhere.
Sky Up Digital Hubs – Sky Up programme partners with local community organisations to support the most underserved areas with digital upskilling and Wi-Fi provision.
Virgin Media O2 Connected More Digital Skills Programme - Virgin Media O2 Business’ Connect More programme is delivered by their staff volunteers who share their time to build digital skills and confidence, working alongside public sector customers and community organisations.
Google for Nonprofits - Google for Nonprofits provides eligible charities with free access to Google tools like Google Workspace for professional collaboration, YouTube features for fundraising, £7,700 per month in Google Ad Grants, and mapping tools to visualise projects. These resources help nonprofits increase visibility, engage with communities, and operate more effectively.
Henshaws – They are a charity dedicated to supporting individuals with sight loss and other disabilities. They provide advice, training, and support for those with visual impairments, including support with special educational needs, arts and crafts, sports and digital support.
Manchester Deaf Centre – Their aim is to empower and include deaf individuals by enhancing communication and providing essential services, including digital skills, British Sign Language (BSL) courses, employment support, social activities, health and social care advocacy, and services for children and young people.
Looking for accessible devices? Visit GARI to find mobile phones, tablets, mobile apps, wearables and Smart TVs with accessibility features to suit everyone's needs.
Are you a local business looking for digital skills and resources support in Bury? Visit Bury’s digital opportunities for businesses page. For more information or questions about Bury’s digital inclusion support offer please email us on digitalsupport@bury.gov.uk.