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CiCC newsletter

In this issue:

  • CiCC meetings
  • Corporate Parenting Board
  • Total Respect training at Manchester University
  • Children in Care Council summer party

Children in Care Council (May)

On Friday 24 May we had Children in Care Council (CiCC). In this session our young people learnt how to make slime. This was a fun session as our young people were due to break up from school for half term. They also did some more planning around the residential, talking about what activities they would like to do.

Our young people ate sausage butties, while getting messy and having fun.

Sausage butty

Corporate Parenting Board

On Wednesday 29 May one of our young people from CiCC attended Corporate Parenting Board.

This is a big meeting which happens every 3 months where members of the council get together to discuss relevant topics around being in care. These are the meetings where decisions about young peoples lives in care are made.

We spoke about the changes already made for children in care such as LAC reviews being more child centred, professionals are to take of ID badges while attending meetings at school, and more overnight stays are being allowed due to people not having to have DBS checks first. Our young people feel that this makes them feel 'normal'.

We also spoke about our trip to Manchester where we did a Media City Tour and the recent BOOM BOX live celebration event we attended.

Finally we gave a few details about our up coming residential to the Lake District in august.

University of Manchester

Total Respect training at Manchester University

Training Year 2 and 3 PHD Educational Psychologists

On Tuesday 4 June some of our young people from CiCC attended Manchester University to deliver the Total Respect training course to year 2 and 3 Educational Psychologists.

An Educational Psychologists is someone who works with local authorities in partnership with families and other professionals to help children and young people achieve their full potential in Education.

The day consisted of many different activities which highlighted what it is like to be a child or young person in care. Our young people delivered the training with a helping hand along the way from Jodie or Mike.

The training was for a full day and covered the different services involved with young people, what support is available and the everyday struggles for young people who are in care. At the end of the training the students got the chance to listen to our young peoples stories which really hit home for some of the students.

The training went really well and everyone commented about the amazing young people that we have.

Here is a bit of feedback that we received about the training:

"thoroughly enjoyed the session and gained a deeper understanding from a different perspective, which was very useful"

"Absolutely amazing training. Its such an honour to hear from care experienced young people and its increased my confidence to challenge the status quo. Thank you all, and the young people had lots to be proud of"

"I thoroughly enjoyed today's session it was so powerful, I have been thinking about my practice and how I can change for the better"

Pre Approval Foster Carers

On Wednesday 5 June our some of our young people took part in the delivery of the Total Respect training for pre-approved foster carers. These are people that are going through the process of becoming a foster carer to help give love and to support to our young people in care.

Our young people delivered the training giving the carers insight into what it is actually like being a young person in care and what support would be needed from then.

They delivered different activities which showed the struggles of everyday life for some children and young people In care.

Each of our young people who attended told their stories about their time in care, the positives and negatives and what they feel could have been better.

The pre-approved carers were really taken back by out young peoples stories and hope they can influence and make a young person coming into cares life better.

Children in Care Council (June)

On the 14 June we held a CiCC session, this session was to discuss future plans for the children in care council and to feedback on the CiCC film.

Our young people were asked how they felt about an MP visiting CiCC (James Frith and the Reaching Community Officer for Bury and Bolton) on the 13 September. Our young people told us that they would like to meet with them and are planning on talking to them about what life a young person in care is like and hopefully share some of their BOOM BOX music with them. A discussion took place around the CiCC action plan, our young people have invited Sue Harris and Bart Popelier to the next session to discuss terminology - words surrounding being in care.

This session was finished by a nice bowl of chicken curry and rice.

Children in Care Council (July)

On Friday 12 July CiCC met with Sue Harris and Bart Popelier to discuss terminology - words surrounding being in care.

In this session CiCC were joined by the Care Leavers Forum. Our young people drew life sized silhouettes of themselves and then each wrote down words they may not understand or words that they think could be changed.

Words highlighted:

  • Referral
  • NEET
  • Contact
  • Placement
  • LAC

Our young people plan on doing more work around this and hopefully can change some of the terminology used.

Finally our young people looked at the CiCC action plan old and new and said there is nothing they would like to change.

Written down words
Written down words

Children in Care Council summer party

On the 19 July we held a summer party for our young people. School is over for the holidays and CiCC does not run again until September. This session gave our young people time to say goodbye with lots of snacks and games.