The Children with Disabilities Team
We are a specialist team and we work with children and young people with complex health needs. Children and young people must be 17 years or under and ordinarily resident in Bury. We work with children, young people and their families when the child or young person has;
- one or more of the following a permanent and substantial disability which may be physical, learning, sensory, communication
- a chronic life limiting illness, i.e. child's physical health serious and deteriorating
- a life threatening or terminal illness
We do not work with all children and young people with disabilities so when a referral is received practitioners in MASH and the Children with Disabilities Team will work in partnership to consult with the referrer, parents and other agencies involved with you and your family to help us decide if we will carry out an Assessment.
As a parent Carer of a disabled child you are entitled to a parent carer needs Assessment. We will advise you of this and explain that this can be included in a holistic Assessment process called a child and family assessment or as a standalone assessment. Please read more about this here.
What support might be available
The legislative framework for the team is primarily through the Children & Families Act 2014, Children's Act 2004, The Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970, The Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 and The Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children Regulations 2011. As a parent or Carer you have the right to ask for your child’s needs to be assessed and you may also request a Carer's Assessment for yourself under the Children’s Act 1989.
Short Breaks
Short Breaks provide social opportunities for children and young people with a severe disability to spend time away from their parents or primary carers. They provide an essential opportunity for parents and carers to have a break, and allow disabled children and young people to have different experiences - places, people and activities.
It is our aim that Short Breaks will contribute to keeping disabled children safe and healthy, enabling them to enjoy new activities, make friends, and have new learning opportunities, as well as preparing teenagers for adulthood.
By providing disabled children and young people with such opportunities, it is our aim to support parents in their role as primary carers and give them breaks to assist them to look after themselves and their wider family.
Bury2Gether Parent Carer forum
A Parent/Carer Forum works with Education, Social Care, Health and other services to ensure Parent and Carer voices are represented when designing services for our children/young people and their families. In England, there are Parent/Carer Forums in almost all local authority areas. Forums usually have a steering group of parents who lead this work and listen to the views of other parents in the local area to make sure they know what is important to them.
To visit Bury2Gether click here
Where to find CWD:
The Children's with Disabilities Team is based at 3 Knowsley Place, Duke Street, Bury BL9 0EJ
Contact CWD
If you want to get in contact please ring us on 0161 253 6070 or email us on
The service primarily supports the unpaid Carer looking after a relative with an illness or disability including parent carers, working carers and young carers.
Crossroads Together provides support to anyone of age with an illness or disability. We provide trained Carer Support Workers to each person or family that we support. These Carer Support Workers then provide whatever practical support and assistance that is required, to achieve the outcomes you and the person we are supporting want.
The support we provide ranges from emotional support through to practical hands on tasks, including specialised tasks such as PEG feeding, aspiration and administering medication. Support can take place in the home or the local community, reducing social isolation and using community facilities.
We provide personal care and other support to enable the person with care needs to be as independent as possible. Our flexible break service, where our Carer support workers provide the Carer with a 2-3 hour weekly break helps prevent carer breakdown enabling them to continue caring for as long as they wish to do so.
Each support package is individually tailored taking a person centred approach in order to meet the needs of each situation and the individuals involved. These support plans are agreed between Crossroads Together, the person being supported, and their Carer, these are then regularly reviewed to ensure the service being provided continues to meet the needs of all involved.
We work closely with the existing health, social services and voluntary services, thereby ensuring a total care package tailored for the individuals we are supporting. Our services are provided 365 days a year and an emergency on call service is provided out of office hours.
For added security and to ensure your peace of mind and we will always inform you as to which named member of staff will be coming to provide your service, furthermore the member of staff will arrive (and leave) at a mutually agreed time.
Contact Details
Organiser - Charlotte Hunt
Job Title/Position - Registered Care Manager
Telephone Number 0161 445 9595
Email Address:
Website: Crossroads Together | Supporting carers and people with care needs
For adults who have learning disabilities and their carers. The team carries out an Assessment of needs to help people gain access to work, day services, housing, respite/Short Breaks, help at home and in the community and support for carers. Tel no available 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday.
Contact Details
Telephone Number: 0161 716 4740
Website: Community learning disability team, Bury :: Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Please see below:
- If anyone would like advice or information from Adult Care Services you can contact us Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, on 0161 253 5151.
- You can also find information and advice online using the Bury Council website or the Bury Directory.
- If you would like to apply for a Blue Badge, please contact us Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, on 0161 253 6855.
- If you have already made a telephone application, please go to this webpage which will take you to the online form, where you can upload your ID and photographs.
- All Blue Badge parking permit face-to-face appointments with an Occupational Therapist will be cancelled until further notice.
- If you have already made an application and have been told you need to see the Occupational Therapist, do not visit Textile Hall, but instead upload your medical evidence via this webpage.
- Please call 0161 253 6855 for all other queries about Blue Badge parking permits.
Please note: Normal office hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 8.45am to 5pm, and Wednesdays, 10am and 5pm. When the office is closed, and throughout the Christmas and New Year holiday period, voicemails and emails sent to , Adult services, Connect and Direct will NOT be monitored.