When does the process start?
The preparing for adulthood pathway starts when a young person is in year 9 (13 or 14 years old) and continues until they leave school. During year 9, there will be opportunities for young people and their families to talk about choices for post 16 pathways into further learning or employment.
The most appropriate pathway for the young person will be identified. Transition support from other agencies may continue until the young person is 25. We work with young people, parents and carers, housing, schools, colleges and employers to develop local 'Post 16 preparing for adulthood' processes to meet the needs of young people with SEND.
This process will be reviewed frequently to ensure it continues to reflect any changes to meet the needs.
Who will be involved?
The young person and their views will be central to all planning processes. Key people from the school or college, family, representatives from the council and professionals working with the young person who have a good understanding about what is available, will all be involved in preparing for adulthood.
Help and support for young disabled people to find and stay in work
bury-employment-support-and-training offer advice, support and practical assistance to disadvantaged and disabled customers (who are eligible for funding) into employment, and meaningful activities such as independent living, independent travel, and life skills.
Information on www.gov.uk provides links to help young disabled people find and stay in work. It is aimed at young disabled people, their parents and the professionals who work with them.
There are also routes into work guides, with useful information about options for young people with SEND to help them move into employment at National Development Team for inclusion
Connexions (Bury)
- Connexions works with young people with an EHCP when they are looking at transitioning from school into education, employment or training.
- Connexions will start working with the school in year 11 to identify those transitioning into post 16 provision and at risk of becoming NEET (Not in employment, education or training) and will offer careers guidance and transition support where appropriate. Young people can also request Connexions support through talking to their SENCO or contacting Connexions directly.
- Where a school has extended provision, Connexions will work with young people in year 13 to support transition in year 14.
- If a young person with an EHCP is unemployed and would like support to look at education, employment or training, Connexions can offer this up to the age of 25.
for further details go to Education and careers for 15 to 18 year olds