Bury Children's Partnership Arrangements
The Children's Act 2004 introduced 'Children's Trust' arrangements. The principle behind these arrangements is that stronger partnerships, greater integration of services and a shared purpose for all those working with children, young people and families leads to better services.
From 31 October 2010 the Department for Education (DfE, 2012) withdrew statutory guidance on Children's Trusts, but the requirement for local authorities and partners to have a Children's Trust Board and the wider duty to cooperate to improve children's wellbeing, as set out in S10 of the Children's Act 2004, remains in force. Local Authorities have the flexibility to set arrangements that suit their local context. In Bury, the Children's Trust has been adapted to become the Bury Children's Partnership.
Bury Children's Partnership brings together partners from a very wide range of agencies to work together to help children and young people in Bury be the best that they can be; in particular, those children and young people who for many different reasons face more barriers than their peers. Bury Children's Partnership arrangements are led by Bury Children's Strategic Partnership Board.
Bury Children's Strategic Partnership Board
The Children's Strategic Partnership Board is chaired by the Executive Director of Children's Services and brings together senior personnel from key partner organisations with responsibility for the wellbeing of children and young people.
The Board sets the principles and high-level direction for children's health, care and education commissioning (in its widest sense). It provides strategic leadership, direction and challenge, driving through policy and service development to improve outcomes for all children and young people in Bury.
Within the Governance framework of the Children's Strategic Partnership Board are a range of Strategic Boards and Delivery Groups. For a copy of the Governance Framework, please e-mail childrenspartnership@bury.gov.uk.
Bury Children & Young People's Plan 2021-24 'Let's Do It for Children and Young People'
The Bury 2030 Strategy 'Let's Do It' sets a vision for Bury to be "a place in which people are helped to make the best of themselves, and where everyone can explore their dreams". The Children & Young People's Plan 2021-24 sets out outcomes and priorities to make this a reality for children and young people.
Co-producing with Children, Young People & Parents/Carers
Developing a culture whereby children, young people and families have a strong voice and co-produce developments and services that affect them is fundamental to Bury Children's Strategic Partnership Board. The Board is supported in this by the Engagement, Participation & Co-production sub group.
The Bury Children's Strategic Partnership Board 'Engagement, Participation and Co-Production Strategy' is a working document that underpins the Partnership vision for 'children, young people and families to have the opportunity to be fully engaged and valued as equal partners in the design, development and review of services that they use'. For a copy of the strategy, e-mail childrenspartnership@bury.gov.uk.
Bury Children & Young People's Forum
Bury Children & Young People's Forum provides a platform for voluntary, community and faith organisations that work with children, young people and families in Bury. The Forum is an integral part of Bury's Children's Partnership arrangements and is represented on the Children's Strategic Partnership Board and forms part of the Bury Voluntary, Community & Faith Alliance (VCFA).
Children's Partnership Network
The Children's Partnership Network connects to the wide-ranging children's workforce in Bury and provides opportunities to find out what's going on and be involved; share knowledge, good practice and information; build contacts and strengthen working relationships. Anyone whose work impacts on children, young people and families is encouraged to be part of the Children's Partnership Network and to receive the weekly information bulletin from which they can hear about the opportunities to work together to improve outcomes for children and young people in the Borough.
Lunchtime Learning
Children's Partnership lunchtime learning sessions increase awareness of issues that affect children and young people, how we can provide help and support and when/where to refer. The sessions are free for anyone who works with children and young people in Bury to attend. These 1 hour sessions are currently being run online. For information about forthcoming sessions e-mail childrenspartnership@bury.gov.uk.