The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are designed to provide legal protection where someone needs to be deprived of their liberty for the purposes of providing care or treatment.
The safeguards affect vulnerable adults over 18 years of age who:
- are being cared for in a care home or hospital
- lack the capacity to consent to care or treatment
- have a disorder of the mind.
People with a learning disability or dementia are the groups most likely to be affected.
You can contact us or visit The Bury Directory website for further information about DoLS.
Deprivation of Liberty for professionals
Managing authorities must make a referral to the supervisory body to lawfully deprive someone of their liberty. Managing authorities are recognised as:
- care homes
- care homes with nursing
- independent hospitals
- acute hospitals.
If you are a professional working at a recognised managing authority, you can apply:
- for a Deprivation of Liberty
- to request a review of an existing DoLS.
When applying for either of these requests, please complete and return the appropriate form by:
- Fax: 0161 253 5494
- Email:
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards forms for professionals
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Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards downloads
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