Connexions Bury
The information, advice, guidance and support service for young people in Bury
Connexions Bury is the independent and impartial information, advice, guidance, and support service for Year 11, 12 and 13 young people (15 to 18 years old), or up to the age of 25 if you have special education needs and/or disabilities (with an EHCP), who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). Connexions also work with Year 11 young people who are at risk of becoming NEET. Connexions services are delivered by qualified professionals called Personal Advisers who will support you to develop realistic and sustainable plans that are related to your aspirations. Connexions Bury holds the Matrix, a recognised national award, which means, that it has been externally assessed as an organisation that meets the criteria of providing high quality information, advice, and guidance.
Connexions is able to help you if:
- In year 11, you are identified and referred by your school, because you need support with your post 16 plans
- You have left school and have no plans in place
- You have left college, employment or training prematurely and you have no plans in place
- You are attending college, employment, or training and you are thinking of leaving with no next steps in place.
Connexions offer information, advice, guidance and support on:
- Apprenticeships
- Jobs and Training
- Traineeships
- Careers
- Personal development opportunities
- CVs and application forms
- Job searching and interview techniques
- Education - college and university courses including the local offer for children with special educational needs and disabilities
Future Ready
An UKSPF NEET project (2023-25) for Bury young people
The project, commissioned by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to deliver this strand of its NEET and Youth Employment Programme, commenced in September 2023. It supports young people aged 15 to 18 years who are NEET or at risk of NEET, with the aim of mitigating the impacts on those young people who are experiencing disadvantage, and those not engaged with other provision.
This will be delivered through a comprehensive engagement and transition offer that will enable these young people to successfully engage in a positive learning or work destination and develop the skills and confidence to continue into a sustainable career pathway.
Tailored re-engagement support around wellbeing, confidence building, and resilience will be delivered by one to one and group support with a careers adviser.
What to do next
- At school in year 11:
- You need to contact your form tutor, careers teacher or support worker to request an appointment. The school will then either refer you to their careers adviser or Connexions depending on your situation.
- Completed year 11:
- You need to contact Connexions.
Other important information
Young people with specialist educational needs and disabilities (SEND) with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Connexions workers within the SEN Team can work with and support a young person with additional needs until they are 25 years old. Initially, they will work with schools to identify those young people that need support with their transition plans. Further, we work with a wide range of organisations and agencies that support young people with SEND. EHCP support is targeted to young people at risk of becoming NEET.
Access to Careers Guidance in schools and colleges
You need to be aware that it is the responsibility of schools and colleges you are attending to provide careers guidance and that Bury Connexions no longer offer this service. Please will you contact your school or college for further details.
Your views count
It is important that we receive feedback from young people, parents and carers that have recently directly or indirectly experienced our services; to improve what we offer them in the future. Please will you follow the link so you are able to offer feedback: One Community Bury - Connexions.
Confidentiality and Connexions Bury privacy notice: Your guide to the information we keep about you
We offer a confidential service to young people and Connexions Bury is only able to share relevant personal information to named and categories of organisations to offer you an effective service. It is able to do this under their 'public task' duties authorised by the Education and Skills Act 2008. Consent from you is not required to share these types of information unless it is classed under UK General Data Protection Regulation as 'special category' sensitive type of information. Full details on how we treat and share your information is detailed in the Connexions Bury privacy notice.
Contact us
By email:
By phone: 0161 253 7733
Further useful websites and information
- Bury Careers Event
- GMACS - Greater Manchester apprenticeship and careers advice information
- Career Alchemy - a source of impartial advice and information for parents
- National Careers Service - online information on more than 130 industries with 800 different job profiles and a helpline available from 8am until 10pm, 7 days a week (0800 100900)
- UCAS and The University Guide - two comprehensive sources of information and advice about university and higher level education; offering information on how to choose courses, different types of study and entry requirements
- - Finding a job - job vacancies in councils across Greater Manchester, GM Fire & Rescue, GM Police and other public sector organisations
- Greater Jobs - job vacancies in councils across Greater Manchester, GM Fire & Rescue, GM Police and other public sector organisations
- Jobs NHS - perform a job search, find jobs that match your skills and apply for NHS jobs
- icould - careers videos and information about jobs
- Not Going to Uni - a one stop site for apprenticeships, gap years, distance learning and jobs for students looking at alternative pathways
- The Bury Directory - Care Leavers Offer
- The Bury Directory - SEND local offer
- Bury College
- Holy Cross College and University Centre