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What's happening and when

As part of a £5.5 million five-year programme, we are working around the borough replacing approximately 3,200 lighting columns that are coming to the end of their serviceable life. These are mostly the taller lighting columns which are over 8 metres in height. More energy efficient LED street lamps will also be installed at the same time.

The replacement programme, which will be on a whole street basis, is expected to take up to 2024 to complete but will be finished more quickly if possible.

Why we need to carry out this work and why we need to provide more energy efficient street lights

The lighting columns we are replacing are nearing the end of their serviceable life which means they may become structurally unsound and unsafe. We also need to improve the energy efficiency of our street lighting and reduce maintenance and running costs.

We are installing LED lighting because:

  • it is more energy efficient and uses less electricity, and it emits less carbon than traditional sodium lights;
  • it has a much longer lamp lifespan requiring significantly less maintenance;
  • it provides a whiter light source with better night-time colour recognition;
  • it concentrates the light onto roads and footways where it is needed, with less light pollution into the sky, homes and gardens.

Your questions answered

Where and when are lighting columns being replaced?

During 2023 (year 4 of a 5 year programme) lighting columns will be replaced and LED lamps installed at the following locations.

Street lighting replacement schedule
Location Estimated start date
Walmersley Road, Bury In progress
Manchester Road, Bury In progress
Bury and Bolton Road, Radcliffe In progress
Brandlesholme Road, Bury In progress
Kersal Vale Road, Prestwich August 2024
Whalley Road, Ramsbottom August/September 2024
Kings Road, Prestwich August/September 2024

Work in each location is expected to be complete within two to three weeks.

Approximately two weeks before work is due to start, notices detailing the start date will be displayed on site.

Street lighting replacement programme - completed schemes, by town

How will you replace the street lighting columns?

The general process for replacing the lighting columns is set out below.

  • Step 1: Install the new column and connect it to the electricity supply.
  • Step 2: Install the LED lantern and check that it is working.
  • Step 3: Remove the lantern and bracket arm from the old lighting column.
  • Step 4: Disconnect the old lighting column from the electricity supply.
  • Step 5: Take out the old lighting column and remove it from site.
  • Step 6: Fill the hole left by the old lighting column and restore the footway.

Please note: Installing the new column and removing the old one will require some excavation work.

Will there be any change to where the street lighting columns are located?

Most of the replacement columns will be installed very close to the existing street lighting columns. However, because the new LED lamps are more efficient at distributing light, some of the new columns will need to be installed in new positions. In some cases the number of new columns may increase or decrease depending on the requirements of the new lighting design.

When siting lighting columns our preference, in priority order, is to position them:

  • away from properties;
  • at the border of two driveways;
  • at the border of two properties;
  • on the house side of a driveway.

In order to minimise potential damage from vehicles, we usually position columns at the back of the footway or where the footway joins a verge. If this isn't possible, due to underground services for example, we will make sure they are a minimum of 0.8 meters away from the kerb.

How will I know when work is due to start?

Approximately two weeks before work is due to start, we will update local ward councillors and display notices on site. These notices will show the expected duration of the work and a website URL for more information.

At the same time as the notices are displayed we will mark on the ground the position of the new columns.

How much is this work likely to affect me?

We will be doing everything we can to keep any disruption to a minimum. The work we carry out will not affect access to your property or your electricity supply but we do ask that you avoid parking your vehicle(s) in the vicinity of any of the marked column positions until the columns have been installed and are operational.

Will I notice any difference after the new lighting columns are installed?

You may notice a whiter light source and you may also notice the light is focussed downwards rather than spilling into surrounding gardens, driveways or fronts of properties. This makes sure the roads and footways are lit to the correct British Standards while minimising energy usage and greatly reducing light pollution.

What if I find the lighting is too bright or it shines into my house?

In the first instance, we ask that you give the new lighting a little time, so you have chance to adjust and get used to it.

While the light is whiter than the old lighting columns, any light spill should be minimal because the light distribution from the new lanterns is focussed downwards.

However, if you do find it difficult to adjust and you can show that a light is shining in through one of your windows, then we may be able to adjust the angle of the lantern or fit a diffuser to help reduce this.

Why don't the new lighting columns light-up the driveway to my home?

While the light from the older lighting columns did tend to overspill onto private properties, this was because they were less efficient. The primary purpose of street lighting is to light roads and public pathways not private property.

The new LED lighting is more directional which means the required lighting levels can be achieved using much less energy which in turn reduces carbon emissions, reduces costs and helps the environment.

Have you had many complaints about LED lighting?

We have already installed approximately 11,000 street lights on around 1,850 side roads throughout the borough. We have received some complaints, but overall the majority of residents are happy with their new lighting.

Report a problem with a street light