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Dropped kerbs are installed on the pavement outside a property. This involves the kerb stones being lowered, the pavement strengthened and made into a ramp to allow for a vehicle to cross the pavement and park on the property.

How to apply for a dropped kerb

Important information about applying for a dropped kerb

Please read this information carefully before you apply.

  1. If and when you receive written approval for a vehicular crossing or extension you must contact us for a quotation. No other contractors are permitted to undertake the construction of dropped crossings.
  2. When we refurbish highways this sometimes includes constructing vehicular crossings. We cannot be held responsible if a crossing or extension is constructed and paid for at any time before the highway is refurbished.
  3. Tenants of council owned properties must have written approval from Six Town Housing before an application for a dropped kerb can be processed.
  4. Please ensure that any proposed driveways or paved areas situated at the front of properties are constructed of permeable or porous materials or the rainwater is directed to a lawn or border to drain naturally. For design and construction details download Guidance on the Permeable Surfacing of Front Gardens from the website. If the surface to be covered is more than five square metres, planning permission will be needed for laying traditional, impermeable driveways that do not provide for the water to run to a permeable area.

Your questions answered

Who pays for installing a dropped kerb?
There is a non-refundable administration fee of £75 to apply for a dropped kerb. We can not guarantee your application will be successful. If successful and once approval is granted you should contact us for a quotation.

Do I need planning consent?
Yes, if the dropped kerb is on a classified road (a main road). We will tell you if you need planning permission. If planning permission is required and you have not been sent a planning application form please contact us.

Do I need a Legal Land Easement?
Yes, if the dropped kerb crosses over land which is not dedicated highway. We will tell you if you need a Legal Land Easement.

Can I carry out the work myself?

What may prevent me from having a dropped kerb?
You may not be able to have a dropped kerb if:

  • your property is on a bend or at a road junction
  • a tree is in the proposed crossing
  • your property is close to traffic signals
  • there is a steep slope between your garden and the road
  • there is insufficient garden area
  • there is insufficient visibility

Does my garden need to be a certain length?
Yes, normally 5 metres.

When should I make a driveway in my garden?
Once approval for the dropped kerb has been granted you may construct a driveway in your front garden.

What if a tree on the pavement is affected by the dropped kerb?
We consider it important to keep trees. A tree will not normally be removed to provide a dropped kerb.

What about the water, gas pipes and cables under the pavement or items of street furniture such as lighting columns?
If these are affected by the proposed dropped kerb, the cost for lowering or moving apparatus will have to be met by the applicant.

What if the property is or was owned by Bury Council?
You will require permission to park a vehicle in your front garden. Your tenancy agreement or deeds should explain this. If you are unsure please contact Six Town Housing.

What will the dropped kerb be made of?
Unless your property is within a conservation area, the dropped crossing will be constructed of bitmac and precast concrete kerbs.

Will I own the dropped kerb?
No, your dropped kerb will be part of the public highway. When you have a dropped kerb built, you are paying for the right for vehicular access to your property only. After construction, we will be responsible for maintaining the dropped kerb. Highways reserve the right to alter your dropped kerb in the future to accommodate dropped kerbs to neighbouring properties or highway refurbishment works.

How wide will the dropped kerb be?
The standard width of a dropped kerb is 2.75 metres. If you want the dropped kerb to be wider or narrower than this, please state the width on the application form. The maximum width of a dropped kerb is 4.5 metres.