Register of Definitive Map Modification Orders for Whittaker Street in Radcliffe
- Copy of the application and map:
Whittaker Street in Radcliffe - application and map [84kb] - The intended effect of the application: To add a public footpath to the Definitive Map and Statement
- The location to which the application relates:
- Grid Reference - 378502 to 407513
- 29 Whittaker Street, Radcliffe, Bury, M26 2TD
12,14 and 16 Parsonage Street, Radcliffe, Bury, BL9 6BG - Radcliffe
- Radcliffe East
- Applicants name and address: Withheld
- Date set for determination of the application: 9 March 2016
- Reference number: 10
- Date on which the application was determined:
- The Authority's decision: Not to make the order*
- If the Authority's decision was to make the order has it been confirmed?
- If the decision was not to make an order, was there an appeal?
*Path created with the agreement of the landowner.