Copy of application and map: Egypt Lane, Whitefield and Prestwich application form and map [1Mb].
The intended effect of the application:Changing the status of Public Footpaths to Bridleway.
The location to which the application relates: Grid Reference - Starts at SD83500595. Ends at SD84260688.
Address of any properties on which the way lies: Egypt Farm, Egypt Lane, Prestwich; Egypt Farm Cottage, Egypt Lane, Prestwich; Unsworth Moss Farm, Simon Lane, Middleton; Sand Field Farm, Simon Lane, Middleton; Unsworth Moss Bungalow, Simon Lane, Middleton; Moss Top Farm, Simon Lane, Whitefield; 91 Simister Lane, Prestwich; Lower Droughts Farm, Simister Lane, Prestwich.
Principle settlements nearest to the way: Simister.
Parish, Ward or District in which the way lies: Holyrood and Unsworth.
Applicants name and address: Currently withheld.
Date set for determination of the application:
Reference number: 26.
Date on which the application was determined:
The Authority's decision:
If the Authority's decision was to make the order has it been confirmed?
If the decision was not to make an order, was there an appeal?