Register of Definitive Map Modification Orders for Cockey Moor
- Copy of application and map:
- Cockey Moor Application form [258kb]
Cockey Moor map of the area [142kb]
Cockey Moor map of the wider area [143kb] - The intended effect of the application: To add a public footpath to the Definitive Map and Statement.
- The location to which the application relates:
- Grid Reference - 773104 to 773107
- Address of Any Properties on Which the Way Lies - Agricultural land.
- Principle Settlements Nearest to the Way - Starling, near Ainsworth village and the towns of Radcliffe and Bury.
- Parish, Ward or District in Which the Way Lies - St Andrews Parish, Radcliffe North Ward, Radcliffe District.
- The applicants name and address: Jeff Holt, 62 Church Street, Ainsworth, Bolton, BL2 5RS
- Date set for determination of the application: 17 November 2009
- Reference number: 2
- Date on which the application was determined: 24 March 2011
- The Authority's decision: To make the order
- If the Authority's decision was to make the order has it been confirmed? Yes
- If the Decision was to not make an order, was there an appeal?
Process complete. Path added to Definitive Map.