Copy of application and map: Bentley Hall Road application form [70kb] and Bentley Hall Road plan [104kb]
The intended effect of the application: Adding a Restricted Byway to the Definitive Map and Statement and changing the status of a public footpath to a Restricted Byway
The location to which the application relates: Grid References - 376414 411762 to 376356 412131 and 376414 411762 to 376127 411846
Address of any properties on which the way lies: Height Barn Cottage, Harwood Road, Tottington, Bury, BL8 3PR and Old Holts Farm, Roading Brook Road, Harwood, Bolton, BL2 4JD
Principle settlements nearest to the way: Tottington
Parish, Ward or District in which the way lies: Tottington and Church Wards
Applicants name and address: Currently withheld
Date set for determination of the application:
Reference number: 21
Date on which the application was determined:
The Authority's decision:
If the Authority's decision was to make the order has it been confirmed?
If the decision was not to make an order, was there an appeal?