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We consulted on the draft version of this Bury Local Transport Strategy, from the 24 March 2023 until the end of June 2023 and we have used the feedback to inform our final Strategy.

The outcome of the public consultation was reported to Council Members in October 2023, and a consultation statement and a schedule of amendments was published alongside this final Strategy.

Based on the feedback we have made a number of changes throughout the strategy, adding in additional information you shared with us on your experience of using the existing transport system. Some of the main changes we have made are as follows:

  • We have revised our transport vision to make it clear that we want all our residents, businesses and visitors to have a choice of how they travel. We can only make this possible by providing a much better public transport system and making it safe for people to make some of their short local journeys on foot and by bike if they are able to.
  • Our vision also includes some of the main features you told us the transport system would need to have to be attractive, such as 'affordable, safe, reliable, well-maintained and low carbon'.
  • There are also some new issues and challenges in there, such as low levels of physical activity, and we've added more on ones such as personal safety.
  • We have also revised our transport objectives to better reflect the issues we need to address, such as reliability, air pollution and personal safety.