Our core data protection obligations and commitments are set out on our privacy notice.
Additional privacy information
This notice provides additional privacy information for:
residents, businesses and other organisations whose personal information is held by our Strategic Planning and Economic Development Section (SPED). This includes: residents, businesses and other organisations consulted during the preparation of the Bury Local Development Plan and contacted on other development related issues and initiatives. It also includes businesses, service users and other participants in various economic development and business related programmes that SPED are involved in.
We collect or obtain your personal information for the following purposes.
- To fulfil our Statement of Community Involvement obligations and statutory consultation requirements in preparing a new Bury Local Development Plan
- To facilitate and inform the production of a new Bury Local Development Plan
- To monitor the past, current and future supply of housing and employment land in the borough in order to monitor policies in the adopted Bury Unitary Development Plan and to inform future policies and land allocations in the replacement Bury Local Plan
- To bring forward the development of key development sites in the borough and, or to understand the complexities of achieving development on these sites
- To monitor the payment of Section 106 monies to ensure correct payment is received in relation to particular planning permissions approved by the Authority
- To comply with regulations relating to the Self Build Register
- To keep local businesses informed of issues and opportunities that affect them
- To enable the sharing of business information advice and opportunities
- To process information in relation to recruitment and training schemes
- To fulfil audit trail requirements in relation to financial payments made by and received by Bury Council
- To enable us to contact businesses, service users and other interested parties in relation to various SPED related activities and initiatives
- To inform national policy and liaise with recipients regarding service provision (carers and the cared for)
Categories of personal data
In order to carry out our strategic planning and economic development functions we collect and obtain the following personal information.
- Contact name
- Company and organisation name
- Position of contact
- Postal address
- Email address
- Telephone contact(s)
- Date of birth (Self Build Register only)
- Nationality (Self Build Register only)
In order to carry out health-related economic development initiatives we might also collect and obtain the following personal information.
- National Insurance Number
- Health related barriers to employment
- Disability details
- Sexual orientation
- Welfare information
- Job outcomes
Legal and lawful basis for processing your personal information
The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
Where we have asked and you have consented to receive updates on the Local Development Plan, business advice or on other initiatives you may withdraw your consent at any time.
Processing is necessary for the performance of a lawful public task, for example, preparing a new Local Development Plan or monitoring Local Development Plan policies.
We will only process special category personal data, such as health related information, when you have given us your explicit consent to do so. You may withdraw this consent at any time.
Information sharing and recipients (health-related initiatives only)
As well as information collected directly from you, we also obtain and, or share information from:
- other council departments such as:
- housing benefits;
- health trainers;
- adult and childcare services;
- Support in Communities Improving Lives (SCIL);
- council tax benefits;
- other councils;
- other government departments such as:
- The Benefits Agency;
- Inland Revenue;
- Home Office; and
- health related services (GP's).
Automated decisions
All the decisions we make about you involve human intervention.
Data retention and criteria
Our retention schedule outlines how long we retain certain types of information for, determined through statutory requirements or best practice as follows.
- Local Development Plans - held in perpetuity and offered to Council's archivist.
- Supplementary Planning Policies - held in perpetuity and offered to Council's archivist.
- Planning Schemes - Consultation documents destroyed after 15 years but controversial or high profile schemes will be offered to the Council's archivist.
- Local Plans Consultation database - we will seek the explicit consent of existing contacts to continue holding their personal information and we will remove these details on request thereafter.
- Housing and Employment Land Availability Schedules - personal information removed after expiry of planning permission (normally 3 years).
- Schemes involving grant applications or financial transactions - 7 years after the scheme the grant relates to is completed.
- Business development information - we will seek the explicit consent of existing contacts to continue holding their personal information and we will remove these details on request thereafter.
- Health related economic development initiatives - held for the duration of the client's involvement with the scheme and destroyed within 2 months of leaving the scheme.
Rights of individuals
Further information about exercising your rights and the ICO guide is available in our website - see Related pages and Elsewhere on the Web links. Or you can write to: DPO, Department of Resources and Regulation, Bury Council, Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury, BL9 0SW.
We may update or revise this Service Privacy Notice at any time so please refer to the version published on our website for the most up-to-date details.