Black History Month is celebrated throughout October every year around the UK.
In Bury we celebrate the rich diversity of our borough and reaffirm our commitment to eliminating discrimination in any form.
This year’s theme - 'Reclaiming Narratives' - is not just about revisiting history; it’s about taking ownership of the stories that define our culture, our contributions, and our very identity.
It’s a call to action for Black communities across the UK to step into the role of storytellers, historians, and custodians of our heritage. For far too long, our histories have been narrated by others, leading to distorted portrayals that fail to capture the full breadth and depth of our experiences.
The is an opportunity for everyone to learn about the history and experiences of black people in the UK, contributing to having inclusive communities and workplaces.
The 2021 census data for Bury showed that our black communities increased by around 1,800 residents during the past 10 years and now make up 1.9% of Bury’s population, nearly twice the level of a decade ago. This is broken down to be 1.3% Black African; 0.4% Black Caribbean; 0.2% Black Other.
Black History Month events
Bury Multi-Cultural Market
Bury’s community groups come together for a market event celebrating our amazing, varied cultures and also promote National Hate Crime Awareness Week - where we will also show that discrimination and division has no place in our society.
Kay Gardens
Wednesday October 16 2024
To apply for a stall at the Bury Cultural Market, email m.mahon@bury.gov.uk
African and Caribbean Women's Centre (AFRICAB)
Black History Month event to remember the achievements of black people in the UK and also support community cohesion.
Free event with African and Caribbean food, African music, dance, traditional costumes and more.
25 October at 10am to 1pm at 15 Knowsley Street, Bury BL9 OST
Guy Davis performing at The Met
Thursday 31 October at 8pm, at The Met Theatre
Guy uses a blend of roots, blues, folk, rock, rap, spoken word, and world music to comment on and address the frustrations of social injustice, touching on historical events, and common life struggles.
Bury libraries and Art Museum
Bury libraries will be displaying information about Black History Month including suggested reading lists and through Borrowbox.
Bury Art Museum has an ezine available highlighting Black artists and was created with local residents and artists
BlackArtBAMZineDigital.BuryArtMuseum.AEForde.SLDaye.BuryCreatives2021.pdf (cargocollective.com)
Stories of local people
Bury VCFA has carried out some interviews with local people.
Roger Kajigula, Organiser and Volunteer at Bolton Bury Rochdale African Community (BRAC) speaks about their work: YouTube Video
Jumoke Ilevbabor - Founder of The African and Caribbean Women's Centre (AFRICAB) speaks about their work YouTube Video
You can find more Black History events and other community activities
Black History Month events across Greater Manchester
This year’s calendar spans all 10 boroughs and the UK, offering countless opportunities to connect, celebrate, and honor Black culture.
From live performances at intimate venues to thought-provoking exhibitions, engaging workshops, seminars, and powerful showcases, explore the rich heritage and significant contributions of the Black community.
Visit the Black History Month website.