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Bury Council: 2020-2021 apprenticeship data

We have a public sector target around new apprenticeship starts. We aim to have apprentices make up 2.3% of our workforce, this target period runs from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2021.

Each year we are required to report on our progress to meeting this target. Over this target period we have continued to develop our apprenticeship offer and apprenticeship opportunities that develop skills set and supports career pathways. Although this result marks the end of this target period, we are committed to continuing to build on what has already been achieved. Continuing to maximise the use of the Council's apprenticeship levy in 2021/22 and beyond, by further enhancing opportunities for new and existing employees that will ensure we have the right people with the right skills at the right time to deliver high quality services.

Public Sector Recruitment Target = 2.3%.

Bury Council progress towards this target for 2020-21 reporting period = 1.26%.

Apprenticeship data 2020 to 2021
Data description Value
The number of employees whose employment in England by the body began in the reporting period in question 501
The number of apprentices who began to work for the body in that period and whose apprenticeship agreements also began in that period. This includes employees who were already working for the body before the beginning of their apprenticeship, as well as new apprentice hires 81
The number of employees employed in England that the body has at the end of the period 5530
The number of apprentices who work for the body at the end of that period (on-going apprenticeships) 118
The number of apprenticeship starts as a percentage of the number of employees whose employment began within the reporting period in question 16.16%
The number of on-going apprenticeships as a percentage of the number of employees of Bury Council at the end of the reporting period in question 2.13%
Headcount on the day before the first day of each reporting period in the target period 6417
The number of apprenticeship starts as a percentage of the number of employees the council had at the start of the reporting period in question 1.26%