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Teaching resources

BBC - Bitesize - are now offering 3 lessons every weekday with videos, activities and more for primary and secondary schools. - Get help with remote education - Department for Education - Education Resources.

Mystery Science: Online Lessons - Mystery Science offers open and go lessons that inspire kids to love science.

Stem Home Learning - Home Learning support for families

Words for Life - is the National Literacy Trust's website for parents

Barclays Life Skills

Audio resources

World of David Walliams - David Walliams has daily audio stories at 11am each day, other famous authors are also offering online stories.

Health and fitness resources

Joe Wicks is doing daily PE lessons on his YouTube at 9:00am - PE with Joe.

Craft ideas

Pinterest offers lots of craft ideas and inspiration.

Comunication resources

Free access to Twinkl how to use during the Coronavirus shutdown.