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The Children in Care Council (CiCC) is made up of children and young people aged 11 to 18, in care who are or have been previously looked after by Bury Social Care. Every member contributes their own views and ideas to the Children in Care Council and are involved in making important decisions that affect themselves and other children and young people in care.

We usually meet twice a month, on the second and fourth Friday of the month, dates are regularly updated on our Facebook page.

We have contributed to consultations about what it is like being in care and what would make things better, including recently discussions about support in school. We have updated the Bury Children in Care's Promise and this will be displayed all around Council buildings. We are currently planning an exciting new project and anyone who is interested please contact us. All good ideas are most welcome!

Some members participate in important Bury Council work such as delivering training to staff and running young people's interview panel. Vouchers are given to all members who have an active role in supporting the work of Bury Children's Services.

CiCC members enjoy attending the CiCC meetings and get the chance to develop their skills and gain new experiences, as well as making a change for themselves and other children and young people in care. Reward trips are arranged for all regular members.

Ideas from Children in Care Council:

  • Post Cards - Our young people wanted to be able to give a little back to professionals who work hard to keep our young people the happiest they can be, CiCC decided that social workers, IRO's (independent reviewing officer), school teachers and PAs etc. don't get enough recognition for the hard work they put in everyday so they decided to design post cards. The post cards designed show the different jobs various professionals do and how our young people appreciate what they do.
  • Business Cards - One of the young people we work closely with explained to us that he had not been told about CiCC and what we do, he only found out by coming to our office for a review meeting, looking at all the artwork and asking for himself. He came up with the idea to design CiCC business cards so we can promote it a lot more to other young people who may not have heard about we what do. The business cards are currently being designed.