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Worried about how you or your family are feeling?

Help is at hand. This pge provides helpful advice on what to do and where to get help if you have concerns about yourself or someone else.

Having difficulty managing your reaction to the floods?

If you feel that your reactions to the floods are difficult to manage, or that you're feeling more low or anxious than you might expect, help is available for you, your family and your loved ones.

Remember, if you are struggling with low mood or some form of anxiety, seeking help is sensible and is not a sign of weakness.

Those with children who may have been affected emotionally by the flooding should make contact with their GP in the first instance.

If your GP surgery is closed'' and you feel you - or your child - need help before it is next open, then call 111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you. The 111 service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and from mobile phones.

Things you can do to help you or your family to recover


  • take time to sleep, rest, think and be with those important to you
  • try to keep your life as normal as possible
  • understand that memories and feelings may stay with you for some time to come - this is your mind's way of trying to make sense of it all, to feel in control of it, even if you couldn't control it
  • say what you need clearly and honestly to family, friends and others
  • avoid excessive alcohol and drugs. They are often used as a way of coping but tend to block the feelings that will emerge in the end. Alcohol and drugs often lead to more problems than they solve
  • let children talk about their emotions and express themselves in games or in drawings


  • bottle feelings up - express your emotions and let others share in your worries
  • take on too much
  • make any major life changes
  • let embarrassment stop you from talking with others about what's happened. Talking is an important way of dealing with the situation

After you've dealt with practical issues and are getting back on your feet, it is only natural to experience strong thoughts and feelings. Major events such as flooding can affect us emotionally and psychologically.

Everyone is unique and will react differently, but typical reactions to such an extreme event can include:

  • Shock
  • Disbelief
  • Stress
  • Nervousness, fear or anxiety
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Worry
  • Low mood
  • Irritability
  • Anger
  • Helplessness

We are all individuals and there is no right or wrong way to cope or feel. To start with be aware if you are feeling anxious or stressed and how this is affecting you and others around you. For most of us, especially if we have never experienced problems with anxiety or low mood before, these psychological effects will gradually disappear over time. However, some of us will need more help.

Where to go for help and advice

Age UK, Bury is an independent local charity, which aims to promote independence and a better quality of life for all older people in the Borough of Bury, by providing support, advocacy and direct services. Age UK - Bury. Telephone: 0161 763 9030.

The Samaritans Bury, Bridge House, 13 Knowsley Street, Bury BL9 0ST provides confidential emotional support for people who are distressed and despairing, including those experiencing suicidal feelings. Talking to someone that isn't family or friends can be a tremendous help. Samaritans. Telephone: 0161 762 5390 (Bury), 0161 762 5390 (national) or 08457 90 90 90 (helpline).

BIG in Mental Health Drop in, Parsons Lane, Bury BL9 0LY provide the opportunity to meet others who understand how you feel and are willing to listen and provide peer support. They can also signpost you to other services. Call in any time between 1pm and 3pm for a chat and a cup of tea or coffee. Telephone: 0161 222 4005 or 07758737616.

ChildLine is a helpline for children and young people up to 19 years of age. 0800 1111 (free calls and available 24 hours a day).

The Silver Line is a free confidential helpline for older people providing information, friendship and advice to older people. Open 24 hours a day every day of the year. 0800 470 80 90. The Silver Line

Healthy Minds is an NHS service that provides a range of support options for people struggling to cope with low mood, stress, anxiety, depression and many other common mental health problems. Support may include guided online selfhelp courses, 1-2-1 therapy sessions or group workshops. To access the service complete an online form at Pennine Care - Pennine Care NHS Talking Therapies (previously Healthy Minds).

The Bury Directory is a one-stop information point for advice, support, activities, services and more for people living in the Borough of Bury. The Bury Directory.