When working how much Council Tax you're charged, we need to consider how many adults over the age of 18 are living in the property.
If there are more than two adults, you'll be charged the full rate of Council Tax.
Sometimes, we might 'disregard' one or more adults when calculating your Council Tax. A discount is dependent on the circumstance, for example:
- if all adults in a property are treated as being disregarded, there will be either:
- a 50 percent discount, or
- the property may be treated as exempt from Council Tax.
- if there is one adult in a property who is not disregarded, they will be entitled to a 25 percent discount. For example; if a couple live together and one of them is disregarded because of severe mental impairment, the Council Tax bill can be reduced by 25 percent.
- if there are two or more adults living in a household but neither are disregarded, no discount can be awarded.
Permanent hospital patients
A person can be disregarded for Council Tax if they are in hospital permanently. This discount is not available for people staying in hospital for short stays.
Nursing home and care home residents
Those staying in a nursing home or care home can be disregarded for Council Tax. To claim this discount or exemption the move must be permanent and there must be no intention to return to this property.
Someone in prison or other form of detention can be disregarded from Council Tax. This discount is not available for people who are in prison for non-payment of fines or Council Tax.
Young people
There are Council Tax discounts available for young people who are:
- 18 years old and where child benefit is being paid to a parent or guardian
- 18 or 19 years old and left school after 30th April. Council Tax can be disregarded until 1 November in the same year.
Foreign language assistants and religious community members
If you are a foreign diplomat or are a member of an international organisation that is headquartered in the UK, you may be disregarded for Council Tax.
If you are a member of a religious community and have no income or capital of your own and are reliant on your religious community for support, you may be disregarded for Council Tax. Please contact us to apply.
Application process
After we receive your application, we'll assess the information you've provided as soon as possible.
Whilst you wait for our decision, you should continue making the current Council Tax payments as shown on your bill.