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The Freedom of Information publication scheme is a guide to the 'classes' of information that we intend to make available.

Information is not limited to that produced on paper. Therefore, information made available via this website is also part of the scheme.

Our publication scheme includes as much information as possible, without making the scheme too complicated to use. We have also considered what information the public have already shown an interest in.

We intend to frequently update this scheme. We welcome your suggestions about what information you think could be added to the scheme.

Publication scheme fees

Most of the information covered in the scheme are available free of charge.

We may impose a chargeable fee when providing information involving significant amounts of work or photocopying.

Publication scheme exemptions

The Freedom of Information Act contains some exemptions which list the type of information that can be withheld and under what circumstance, for example; personal information and court records.

A full list of the exemptions are given in the Act.

Publication scheme information classes

An information class is the information available on any particular subject.

A class could be a specific document, such as the council's constitution, a policy or strategy. It could also be a specific leaflet, plan, or a photograph.

Council related 

  • Council's Constitution
  • Council's democratic structure: information about council meetings, executive and other committee structures
  • contacting the Council: information about locations, opening times and contact details
  • current elected Councillors: their information and contact details
  • local election results and political composition of the Council
  • relationship with other authorities: Association of Greater Manchester Authorities
  • Partnerships; Team Bury: a network of geographic and thematic partnerships across the borough co-ordinated by the Executive Board of Team Bury to focus on improving the quality of life for people of the borough.

Council budget 

  • Statement of Accounts
  • Council Tax
  • Members allowance scheme, including entitlements and expense claims
  • details of contracts currently being tendered: procurement policies and guidance, and contracts currently available for public tender
  • list of awarded contracts: contracts awarded under the Public Contract Regulations 2006 as published in The Official Journal of the European Union.

Council priorities and activities

  • Annual Reports: the Council's Annual Report and/or Council Plan
  • Policies, Strategies and Management Information
  • Economic Development Plans: economic development strategy and plans for the Council
  • Forward Plans: details the key decisions that the Council is going to take
  • Inspection reports and reviews: reports, findings and improvement plans covering Council services
  • Performance: overall performance data on how the Council performs
  • Local Area Agreements: partnership agreements made by the Council by working with various groups and partnerships in the public, private, voluntary and community and faith sectors.

Council decisions

  • Timetable of Council meetings: committee dates for the current year
  • Committee Structures: made up of elected members the Council appoints various committees to deal with important issues
  • Overview and Scrutiny: provides accountability to the overall decision making process
  • Public Consultations: consultation papers and information on types of forthcoming consultation.

The scheme includes information publicised on this website, which is also where you'll find the majority of such information available. 

Council services

This website provides comprehensive access to information about our services, including online self-service options.

Unavailable or unpublished information

If the information you are looking for is not available, for example; you cannot locate it on this website, it may mean that the information is not currently available:

  • online
  • as it has been restricted
  • as it is exempt.

If information is restricted or exempt, you will need to make a formal Freedom of Information Request to us in writing by email or post.

Such requests may incur an automatic charge depending on the type of information being requested. Any applicable fee will be specified at the time of the request and will be payable in advance of the document being provided.

There will also be times when a charge will apply because of the way in which the Council has prepared the information for you, such as having the information translated or converted in some other way or having it photocopied. If this is necessary, we will inform you of any charges in advance.